Am I in your diary?

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Noah's POV
We drove home in complete silence.
Things always end up this way, phenomenal, great, good, okay, so so,
Down hill, bad, horrible, all the way to terrible. What the f*ck is wrong with our life? Why does it have to be Eleanor and I? We don't deserve this and neither does Sebastian.

As I came back down stairs from putting Sebastian to bed, Eleanor sat at the dinner table silently crying. I slowly walked up behind her and gently touch her shoulder. "Ellie? We need to talk." I felt her stiffen up and take a deep breath in. "Noah, I can't do this anymore. " I shake my head before kneeling down in front of her. "Ellie, we can't run from it anymore. We need therapy and we can- "WOULD YOU STOP WITH IT ALL? STOP IT NOAH, STOP FIGHTING FOR THIS, IT'S OVER!" She yells as I grab her hand.
"Look at this... why did I buy you this?" I questioned as I point to her diamond ring. "Cause you're so f*cking hopeful! Take it back, I don't want it anymore. " she raises her voice before throwing the ring somewhere in the kitchen. "We have a son, we can't jus- "I have my father, he'll help me. You can't live this life, so you should leave this one behind." She hissed before pushing me back so she can get up. "Why are you mad at me?" I questioned following her upstairs. "I'VE BEEN ANGRY WITH YOU SINCE YOUR LAST ATTEMPT. EVERY TIME I SEE YOUR F*CKING ARM, I HATE IT." She says as we enter our room. "You don't think I felt the same way when you were an addict?"
She just glares at me before grabbing her suitcase. "I've given you thousands of chances, now your time is up. " Don't do this. You don't realize how impulsive this is!" She just shakes her head. "No. I want to go. I'm taking Sebastian with me and you can live life as if I never met you." My lips parted as she quickly packs up some clothes. "I don't want this. Eleanor, this tragedy should build us closer. When this happens you get mad at me like it's my fault!" I yelled as she goes into the bathroom. "Noah! We're done okay? We're horrible for each other, alright... done!" I'm actually scared she's gonna leave me.

"Eleanor, baby please don't go. Eleanor I can't- I try reaching for her hand but she just looks away. "No, we need to do this. You can't make me stay." That crushed me, I couldn't make her stay. "Ellie" I whispered in pure devastation once again. "Sebastian will like my father, he doesn't need you anymore." I can't lose my son, he's everything to me.
"You can't take him from me, that's my son too." "Whatever, I gave birth to him."she spits back, zipping up her bags. "Eleanor, please sleep on it? Please, give it till morning please." I begged as she stared out our window to avoid eye contact. "Till morning, no longer." I nod as she slowly walks back to our bed and climbs in.

"Please just think hard about this. I don't want to lose you again, Eleanor... you mean everything to me." I whispered while gently kiss her cheek. "Love you " and just like that, we quickly fell asleep.....

I woke up to a cold and empty bed.
Where's Eleanor? I thought, slowly climbing out of bed. I put my flip flops on and head downstairs.

Once I made it to the kitchen, I started to get suspicious. This was very unlike Eleanor, she doesn't do things like that. "ELEANOR? BABE "I called while walking towards the basement. "ELEANOR? " The lights were off so she wasn't there. I was now getting worried. "Ellie?" I just pull out my phone and dial her number. As I shift my weight, I heard her phone go off, it was on a desk we had by the front door. I run to it and that's when I saw a handwritten note..

Dear Noah,
I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. I love you, but my heart can't run with yours. You have a whole different story to finish, unlike me. I'm not famous, I don't get attention from people all around the world, and I don't want it. I don't like being apart of that life, so I need to leave.

You've tried so hard, I will always see that, I know how much you care and love Sebastian and me. We love so much too, you're a beautiful person, Noah. I'm gonna miss you so much. You deserve a better life, without the worry of me.

Noah Sebastian Davis,
Please understand why I'm doing this. It's for the best, please don't come for us, we'll be okay. Go on, live your life, be that amazing man you were created to be.

Forever you'll always be in my heart.

Eleanor and Sebastian

As soon as I finish reading her letter, teardrops drench the carefully written words. My heart literally feels like it just exploded, she left me for good and has our son... I'll probably never see them again.

"No, baby no" I cried as my trembling hands drop the letter onto the carpet.
My everything is gone, and I can't do anything about it.

I grabbed a picture frame off our wall and slam it to the floor, shattering it instantly. My everything is completely gone. "Where'd you go baby girl? ".....

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