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Noah's POV
"Yeah, he's literally action figure sized!" Will laughs as he pushes Eleanor in a wheelchair down to our baby's room. "Eleanor, will was telling me that the baby's right arm hasn't developed yet, I just didn't want it to scare you." She nods as I hold the door open for them. "Ok, let me get some gloves then I'll show you." He says walking to a cabinet as I kneel beside Ellie. "Hey, you ok?" She looked lost and very worried to say the least.
"I don't know, Noah." Will then came back over and looks at the screen.
"Yeah, he's doing ok right now. I'm gonna take a look at his arm. Eleanor, can you stand, I unfortunately can't move anything or he could flatline." Ellie nods and reaches for my hand.
"I got you" I whispered as she was shaking slightly. "Noah, I got it " I just step back and watch as she slowly makes it to her feet. "He's got some creams on from the nurses, just to keep his skin clean, their skin is pretty sensitive." Will says as Eleanor makes her way towards the crib like machine to see our baby boy. "He looks like, Noah " she smiles. "We were just saying that, he always gets the kids." She looked so happy to see another baby, and that made me so happy too. "I was showing Noah here how this right arm hasn't developed yet, which could mean he won't ever get it or it's just he has a very slow development system. He can't get all the nutrients he needs from you since we already took him out of your womb, but as long as he's here healing, it should be Okay. I can't guarantee anything, plus we usually like to wait a week to give any predictions." Ellie nods again before looking at me.
"Did you see him?" She asked as I was standing in the corner. "Yeah, will's been telling everything." She then slowly walks to the wheelchair slowly.
"Here let me he- "Noah, stop I got it!" I bit my lip and crossed my arms as she sits down. "I'm gonna go check on Sebastian " I said to Will as he nods.
He seemed to know why I just left.

I walked down the hallway in complete disappointment. My wife acts like she hates me now, but why?
I wondered as I approached the room Sebastian was sleeping in. "Daddy? How to I get this off." He was trying to change his shirt. "Buddy, I'll take you home to change Okay? " he stands up and walks to me. "Here, I drew you a picture. " he smiles as I lean over to pick him up. "Thanks buddy, how's your arm? " I asked as I carried him out of the room. I can't move it, I really don't know " he says with his arms around my neck. "Hymm, well you handled it great buddy" "thank you Daddy " he giggles as I saw Will and Eleanor coming our way. "Sebastian?" She calls as a huge smile appeared on his face. "Mommy!" I set him down as he runs down to hug her. "Hi baby! Oh my God are you ok?" She asked cupping his face. I watched her interact with our son and how happy she seemed. I didn't expect her to cover me in kisses, but she didn't seem that happy to see me. It kinda hurt actually. "Yeah! He's nice." Sebastian says making will laugh, " no problem buddy! You did great. " he says to Sebastian as I approached them. 'I was gonna take Sebastian home to change, Ellie do you want anything? "
"The doctor said I could leave as long I rest." I furrow my brows, why so early? Then nod. "Ok, ugh are you ready to go? " she nods. "Ok, the car is in the parking lot." I said as we all head to the front doors.

Once we were all loaded up, I turned to Will. "Do you have a business card?" "I do, here ya go." He smiles as I put it in my pocket. "I'll pay you back, I appreciate everything you've done Will, seriously thank you. " he nods, "Thank you, Noah. I'll keep you updated on the baby too." I hug him before pulling out my keys. "Thanks man, see you soon " we waved before going our own ways.

Once I sat down in the car, Eleanor turns to me. "What?" I asked as she just stares at me. "I didn't say anything." I start the engine before putting my seatbelt on. "Sebastian, seatbelt." He nods as I pull forward.
"Eleanor, why are you acting weird?"
"Are you kidding me right now? I was just in a serious accident and all of the sudden... our baby isn't dead? What the f*ck ?" She questioned as we were now getting on the main road. "I'm just happy all of you are alive, including our baby." I said reaching for her hand. "Noah, please just give me a minute ok?" "This is where things go wrong, Eleanor I've ran from my problems for so long, we can't do that with ours." She just sits there in silence. "Baby? We can do this together." "Noah, for how much longer? I feel like we're bad for each other. " she says quietly. "Eleanor, please don't say that. Things have been hard, but we have another baby to take care of and Sebastian, they need us." I said taking a left turn. "We can take turns, you get them for a couple I get them for a couple days."
"What are you suggesting? " I hope she's not leaving me again. "We do better when we have breaks."
"Right, but you sound like you don't want to be apart of this anymore. Eleanor we're parents now, we're not reckless teenagers anymore."
"There's nothing wrong with taking a break, Noah." I nod as we were about two minutes from our house. "No, but we can't right now. " "no, you can't it's like you need me or something?" I come to a complete stop and look at her. "No, I f*cking love you... that's f*cking why!" She looks out the window in annoyance as I start driving again. "You should stay at the guy's house, I want to be alone right now. " I was shocked, but I guess I don't have too much to say. "Fine, he's coming with me. What are you gonna do if you need help?" I asked pulling up to our house. "I can walk I'll handle it. I'll see you later, Sebastian " she waves before climbing out of the car. "This is stupid "
"Yes it is, don't do anything stupid." She then slammed the door in my face. I drove off in annoyance and called Nick....

This song is so fitting 😪

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