We're coming home

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Noah's POV

"I'm so f*cking pumped for this!" I jumped as Nick, Jolly, Folio, and I were about to go out on stage.
"Me too! I freaking love this state" Nick smiles as we could here Metallica playing in the background. "I think this is the biggest arena we've ever played in." Folio says putting his hat on. "Damn right man... this is f*cking awesome." Jolly says in amazement as I tighten my gloves. "Tonight is our last show for a while now. Are you guys alright with taking a long break?" I questioned as they all look at me. "God I need a break!" Folio whines, "yeah, I wanna see my girl soon." Nick nods, "Yep, I've gotta get back to Sweden soon." Jolly says as I nodded. "Cool. I need to spend time with my family. Next year we'll work on some new music, but let's just take it easy yeah?" We all hug before Jesse waves us down to the stage.

"Alright guys, good luck!" He smiles as I hug him and run out onto the enormous stage.....


"Las Vegas! How we doing tonight?" I asked into my microphone as they cheered loudly. "Man... the guys and I were just talking about how this is the largest arena we've ever played in before. Isn't that something! You las Vegas get to join us on that accomplishment." I smiled staring at the hundreds of fans before me.

"Now there's a reason why this is our last tour this year. The boys and I f*cking love you all, you know that right?" They scream as I continue.
"So we decided that we're gonna take a long break. Not forever, we're gonna be back for many more shows in the future. I have a son, his name is Sebastian if you haven't seen him yet." I chuckle at the thought of him.
"I also have somone I want to introduce you guys to in a minute, but their the reason why I'm doing this. When we all go home tomorrow we're gonna relax and hang out with family and friends. I promise you guys we won't forget about you...
Your all family so that includes each and every one of you. " many of them looked happy and sad, but understood why we're doing this.

"So Las Vegas, I'm honored to say...
We're home. This is not the end, it's only the beginning of an incredible future and so on. Let me hear you Las Vegas!!!" They scream as I nod to them in appreciation. "May I introduce you guys to my family?"
The fans were so supportive and scream in approval. "Give me one second." I jogged to the backstage as the guys went to throw some guitar picks and Folio hands out some drum sticks.

"Ellie? Baby come here." I smiled as I ran up to my beautiful family. "Hey honey, are you done already?" She asked as Sebastian holds her hand.
"I actually want them to meet you guys. Come on!" I pull her hand but she pulls back with a concerned face.
"What's wrong? " I whispered as she looks up at me. "Noah, this is gonna break their hearts. Let the girls believe they still have a chance with you." I furrow my brows as Ellie puts her hand over her baby bump. "I'm pregnant and you can definitely tell.
Or I'm just fat." She laughed as I kiss her knuckles. "You have the best body I've ever seen, believe me. What if I introduce you as my girlfriend? Not Fiancee or wife." She thinks about it for a minute before nodding. "Okay, please don't leave me alone up there. I'll have a panic attack." I cup her face and kiss her. "I'm right here baby girl, I promise." Right as I smile at her, Sebastian tugs my hand. "Daddy, can I play the drums? " I leaned over and picked him up into my arms. "I want you to see something first, Okay buddy? We'll get to the drums a little later. " He smiles as I interlocked Ellie's hand in mine as we approached the stage.

Brian moves the curtain so we can walk through down the hallway that led to the stage. "Here we go" I whispered as we now were face to face with hundreds of fans. "God, there's a lot of people here." Ellie says squeezing my hand as we walked out to the center of the stage. "It's alright baby" Folio turns around and stands beside us as Jolly and Nick were approaching our side.

"Las Vegas, this is Eleanor Sydney my beautiful girlfriend!" I pull her into me as she smiles nervously at the fans. "This is Sebastian, my little boy and my twin " I joked as the crowd laughed."everyone standing beside me right now are miracles in my life. Each one of them has helped recuse me through the darkest days of my life. I love you guys, all of you so much" I said looking at Nick and Jolly to my right and Folio, Eleanor, and Sebastian to my left. "You guys mean the world to me, thank you." They all smile at me before we all bowed to the crowd. "Las Vegas, thank you. Everything you do for us is what keeps us going, your love, support, loyalty and communication is all so deeply appreciated. Thank you all so so much. We love you!" The lights then dim as we all walked backstage.

"Guys, I have to say goodbye one more time real quick. You guys can get in the bus." Ellie kisses me before walking with Sebastian to our bus.
"Sure buddy, see ya." Nick waves as I jog back on stage.

"I can't f*cking leave you guys without a stage dive!" I smiled and ran towards the crowd. The fans all prepare themselves to catch me as I jumped into their arms smiling.

As my body was being passed down the audience, I closed my eyes and smiled. The fans hands running all over me as they carried me. God this is my favorite part about this life.

NOAH HI. NOAH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Everyone screamed as I opened my eyes. This is truly amazing.

As I was being passed around, I felt a hand grab my arm. "NOAH, WE GOTTA GO " Brian yells as two security guards help pull me back towards the stage. "THAT WAS INSANE MAN!" Brian yells as we get to the front of the stage and over the gate.

Once I was set on my feet, I turned around and hugged the closest fans.
"I LOVE YOU GUYS! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!" I yelled as they all at once hug me. It was the kindest thing.
I'm gonna miss them for sure.
"LAS VEGAS I LOVE YOU. TAKE CARE!" I scream out and waved before following Brian backstage.

 TAKE CARE!" I scream out and waved before following Brian backstage

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That was our final show.....

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