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Noah's POV
When we arrived back home, I took a shower and made dinner... Which was a bowl of fruity pebbles. As I was sitting in the kitchen, I looked at the record deal I was offered. If I except this then that'd mean I'd be a solo artist. What about my band? What about the music we've made? What about our friendship? All these thoughts were running through my head as Eleanor came walking down the stairs.

"Hey! I put Sebastian to bed" she says running her hands across my back.
"Thanks, Eleanor" my eyes haven't the paper as she sat down beside me.
"What's that?" She questioned leaning closer. "It's nothing, Eleanor " I quickly push it into the corner while standing to my feet. "What is it?" She continues to ask as I rinse out my bowl. "Ellie, I said it's nothing. I'm gonna go to bed, my head is killing me." I said walking upstairs to our bedroom....

Eleanor's POV
As soon as Noah closed our bedroom door, I grabbed the envelope. Why does he not want me to know? I wondered as I pulled it out.
Hey buddy,
It's Joe Mitchell from the recording studio.

Just wanted to invite you in sometime next week to see if you're interested in signing a contract for a "solo" artist? I know Bad Omens has been very successful and I can't help but want to work with you.

Please let me know your thoughts by next Friday. Thanks man,


I closed the letter and saw that it was sent here later last week, today's Tuesday night so Noah needs to get back to Joe soon. But why would he do this? Leave his bestfriends and pursue a solo career? I need to talk to him about this.

I walked upstairs to our bedroom and saw Noah sleeping. "Noah?" He looked up at me with squinting eyes.
He I guess was awake. "Yeah?" He questions pushing his short hair back off his forehead. "What are you doing with this?" I point to the letter in my hands as he sits on his elbows.
"Why did you open that? That's none of your business." He says getting out of bed. "Well you wouldn't tell me" I said as he takes it from me and walks downstairs. "What are you doing?" I asked following behind him. "Please just shut up" he whispered as I stopped walking. "What? " he slams the letter into the garbage and walks past me towards the stairs. "Noah, wait" I grabbed his hand as he turns to me. "You can't just leave him hanging " I said staring at his beautifully Carmel colored eyes.
"I already made up my mind. Please stop bothering me babe, I feel like sh*t" he says politely, but I needed answers. "Did you except the offer?" I let his hand go as he rolls his eyes.
"Yes! I took the offer before I went to bed. What else do you wanna know? " I blinked a few times as he just stares and me, waiting for a response.
"I-I what about Nick, Folio, and Jolly?"
"I need some time alone. I can bring Sebastian with me so you can take a break." I shook my head in disbelief.
"Are you trying to get away from me?" He slowly walks down two steps and stands beside me. "No. If anything, I've been trying to get closer to you. Your the one trying to get away from me, and it hurts Ellie... Honestly it hurts." He says staring at the floor in front of us. "Noah, I didn't mean to hurt you. " I put my hand on his shoulder as he takes in a deep breath. "Why don't you want me around anymore? " he sounded heartbroken as the words left his mouth. "Noah baby, it's not like that"
"Ellie, I can't keep living like this.
We're a couple, we've been together for two years now and it's like that spark is dead. I wanna keep things going, have as many kids as you want, love you the way I should, but you won't let me. " he says putting his hands over his face as we sit on the last step together. "Noah it's not you " I said wiping my eyes as tears were forming. "Then what is it, Eleanor? " I slowly looked him in the eyes and said "I'm sorry " he furrows his eyebrows and says "what does that mean? " I let the tears fall as I take in a sharp breath. "Noah, I hate how much fame you have... it's killing me and I can't take it anymore." He leans closer and pulls my chin towards his face. "Eleanor, all we did was win a Grammy, nothing more has happened. You've been distance from me for weeks." He was right, fame wasn't the entire truth.

"Noah, I don't know what you want from me." I shrug as he let's my chin go. "I want to fill full our needs. I love you so much, Eleanor and I'm still very attracted to you, but you seem to have different feelings." He stands up.
"Noah! I never said that." I defend myself. "Then why are you depriving us?" He says calmly as I stand to my feet. "I'M NOT DEPRIVED, YOU ARE" I yelled as he starts walking upstairs.
"YEAH, I'M DEPRIVED AND THAT'S YOUR FAULT. This is a big f*cking problem!" He yells heading into our bedroom. "No no no, you are not going to bed! " I said pushing him back. "Don't f*cking touch me" he points and goes into the closet.
"The f*ck are you doing? " I watched as he grabbed a pile of his shirts and hoodies. "I'm going solo. I'll bring Sebastian and if you want to stay with Johnathan go. We need time apart." He says grabbing his suitcase. "Oh yes! Go f*ck Shayla " I said storming out of the room. "Shayla?" He questions while following me to Sebastian's room. "We didn't even kiss!" He yells walking around me to Sebastian's crib. "Why the hell did you ever go to his place huh? What he did was to you was horrible, but don't think I didn't question myself on why you were there." He had a good point.
I watched as he gently grabbed Sebastian and walked to his dresser to get him some clothes. "Sorry bud" he whispered as Sebastian was just waking up. "We're going to New York for a bit. Call me when you're ready to talk." He then walks back to our room.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked as he sets Sebastian in his carrier and zips up their bags. "However long it takes to make a record. Folio knows about it so talk to him if you want.
Be careful, I'll see you later." He kisses my forehead and walks downstairs.

And before I knew it, the front door was shut. My boys are leaving for a bit....

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz