Lift me up

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Eleanor's POV
I walked into Noah's room and slowly shut the door behind me. As I approached his bed, I noticed how red his eyes were. "Noah, how are you doing? " I whispered as I take a seat right beside his bed. "Please stay, please just stay baby girl." He whispered weakly as I grab his hand and gently circle his cold skin. "Baby what's going on up here?" I asked as I gently push his hair out of his face.
"I'm really depressed, Eleanor. I just don't want this anymore." He silently cried while holding onto my hand tightly. "Noah, it's gonna be ok." I felt my eyes starting to burn from how heartbreaking this was to hear. "Ellie, I'm so sorry you have to be apart of this." He says with so many emotions in his voice. "Baby, I love you so much. I'd walk through hell just to see you happy again... I hate when you're sad cause I'm sad. When you're hurting physically, mentally, or even internally, it hurts me too. Noah you're so beautiful, I love your face and I love who you are, I just wish you could see that" I cried as he takes a shaky breath in. "I don't deserve you, I love you too. Eleanor I can't watch you leave again, I hate it when you're not in my life. Baby girl, I f*cking love everything about you, I always have and will... But I can't see you leave, so I should. You deserve to be happy, Sebastian should too." He cries as I lean in and kiss his forehead. "Noah, you're my fiancee.
What about the new house? Our wedding, and what about us? Noah I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" I explained as his shaky lips parted. "Eleanor, baby please don't say that, baby I- I cut him off and get on my knees beside the bed. "No no,
NOAH?" he starts crying again as my soaked eyes overflow with pure sadness. "Stop it! Baby you're acting crazy and it's scaring me. Noah, I can't sleep because of what I saw tonight, do you understand?" He takes a deep breath in as tears stream down his face. "What's wrong with me?" He asked looking at me with shattered eyes. "Baby I don't know " I kiss his knuckles before looking back at him.
"GOD WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? ELEANOR I CAN'T-  "I DON'T KNOW, NOAH! BABY I DON'T KNOW." I yelled back as I quickly hugged him.
"Eleanor, I'm so f*cking lost!" He cried into my shoulder as I gently rubbed his back. "I'm so sorry baby!" I gently rub his head as the door opens up. "Noah, you're going now" I looked back and saw Phil standing there with a wheelchair. "F*CK YOU PHIL! YOUR NOT TAKING ME FROM HER AGAIN." I was shocked, but I understand on some level why he didn't want to be apart. "I can f*cking hear you from down the Hall. Get up Noah " he gently pulls me back as Noah starts to freak out again.
"No no no, Phil he needs me!" I said as Noah climbs out of the bed and barely runs to me. "LET HER GO, LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE " he pulls me back towards him as we slowly sit together on the floor. "I can't let you go again, please stay baby girl please." He cries into my neck as Phil walks off.
"I'm right here baby, I promise you." I whispered as he nods and holds me close.

"Noah, we need to go." Phil says as he steps inside with three other men.
"Get the f*ck out!" I looked up as the men pulled Noah off me quickly.
"Please don't hurt him!" I watched as they slammed Noah onto the wheelchair. "NO PLEASE ELEANOR" He cries as I quickly hugged him again. "I'm gonna come see you" I cupped his soaked face as the men quickly tie his wrists. "No no no NO!" He starts to panic as they tighten them around the armrest of the chair.
"He has stitches! Be careful " I yelped as Phil pulls me back. "Eleanor, I need you here baby please!" He yells as the men sedate him again. "Why'd you do that!?" I cried out they quickly wheel him down the hallway.

"STOP HURTING HIM! " I yelled at Phil as he guides me to the front desk.
"Eleanor, if he isn't forced then he'll be in trouble." I shake my head as we approached Sebastian sleeping on the chairs in the waiting room. "He's terrified! " I yelled while picking up Sebastian. "He needs this. You can see him in a week." He said before jogging down the hallway towards the front door where Noah's unconscious body was being loaded. "Noah, I'm so sorry baby" I whispered while slowly walking to our car in the parking lot.
My poor baby..

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