I'm here, just say it

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Noah's POV
I woke up to Sebastian crying, he must've slept for far too long while on the plane. I pulled the covers off me and stood on the cool wooden flooring before going to get Sebastian from his carrier. We were in a hotel and that's pretty much all that happened when we landed. It felt weird, but I think it's helpful for us both.

"I know, buddy I know " I whispered while carrying him to the bathroom with me. "You finally have some time with Daddy " I smiled as he stops crying and looks at my chest. He must've thought the tattoos were something. "You like em huh?" I chuckled as he looks up at me then my tattoos again. "Yeah, their pretty cool. Let's call Mommy and see if she's... not mad at Daddy anymore. " I said walking with him lying his head on my shoulder.

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number and waited as it rang. It eventually went to voicemail, so I took that a as "don't bother me " sign.
"Ok! She's still mad" I said sarcastically as Sebastian smiled.
"Believe me, you don't want to smile about that" I gently set him on the bed while changing my shorts. It was hot today but I wanted to wear black, so I put some black jeans on and my hoodie before getting Sebastian's clothes. "ACDC or Black Sabbath? " I held two shirts up for him to choose from, he reaches for the Black Sabbath one so we went with that.

I eventually grabbed his bag and left our room. "You're gonna come to work with Daddy ok? It's fun, well later on it is" I said as he sucked his thumb.

As I stepped inside the elevator, my phone rang. I was hoping it was Ellie, but it happened to be Joe from the studio. "Hello? " I answered as the doors closed. "Good morning, Noah.
I just got your email and I can't wait to see ya. When will you be in town?" He asked as the doors opened and we stepped out to the entrance. "Hey Joe, I'm actually here in New York with my son. We were coming to meet you at the studio." I said as I searched for a taxi. "Oh great, I'm just walking in so feel free to stop by whenever it works for you!" I nodded and said "Great, I'll see you then. Thanks Joe"
We then hung up as a taxi pulls up.
I opened the door and sat down with Sebastian in my arms as it was just about to rain. "Where to Sir?" The driver asks as I set Sebastian's bag down beside me. "The recording studio, it's right as you enter Manhattan." He nods and pulls out to the busy streets of new York city.

Eleanor's POV
I was sitting in the living room just crying, why did I do that to Folio?
Why was I so mean to Noah? Why was I the horrible person I was?
I don't deserve any of this, in fact I don't deserve a good life. I should be punished for this.

I thought as I stand to my feet.
I need a drink or something close by.
We don't have alchohol in the house cause Noah worries about addiction, so I guess I'll just go to bar.

I walked inside and my eyes went wide, it was Shayla! That's where Noah met her that night. "Hey! What can I get ya?" She says with her beautiful smile as I slowly approached the barstool. "Shayla? Remember me" I asked removing my glasses. "Oh wait, Eleanor right!" She smiles as I nodded. "Hey girl! How's you and your man huh?" I shake my head and look down at the wooden counter. "I f*cked him over so badly. "I said as tears were dangerously close to appearing. "Why would you say that? " she asked, leaning on her elbows. "I just treat him like sh*t, he's a great guy who deserves someone better." I said as she hands me a cold beer. "Look, we all make mistakes, but you guys are strong. You should've seen his face when I told him you were on your way up, he really loves you." I smiled as a tear fell from my face. "Thank you " I said taking a sip of the beer. As I swallowed it down, I heard some men laughing quite loudly from a few seats down from me. I watched as they snort up cocaine in laughter. "That's Jimmy, Joel, and Sammy, they're always here snorting drugs and having a good time." Shayla laughed as I couldn't help but approach them.

When they heard my heels, they looked at me and smiled. "Hey beautiful, wanna join us?" Sammy asks as I waved to them. "Uh, sure!" I shrug and take a seat in between them. "Here, this should be enough to get you started. " Jimmy says as I quickly snort up one line of cocaine.
"Sh*t" it burned my nose but I eventually got used to it. "Nice! Let's do more " they cheered me on as I did another and another and another.

The last thing I remember was Shayla telling me to stop. ....

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora