It's in our blood

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Noah's POV
I was jogging down the street when I was about to run past Paddy's house.
He was outside walking to his car when he saw me jogging in place.
"Noah! My boy, come here." He smiles as I removed my hood and approach him cautiously on the snowy road. The sidewalk was already snow blown, but the road was a bit icy still.
"Hey, Paddy" I said breathless as he hugs me. "Good morning, son. Why are you running in this freezing weather?" I shrugged and said "I needed to clear my head, I just found out something I wished I hadn't" I said as he looked sad. "Well Noah, would you please come inside and have a cup of coffee with me? We can talk all about it?" I actually nodded which shocked me. "Sure, can I ask you some things too? I need to know what you know." He nods while struggling to get across the street. "Paddy, I got you." I said while taking his hand and helping him across the street. "Where's your wheelchair? "
"Tire is dead, I'm just walking now."
"Paddy, you need to be easy on your joints." He waves like it's nothing as we made it to the rock pathway, covered in snow. "Thank you son, I appreciate it." He says letting my hand go. "You bet. Do you ever get Sick of this place? " I asked as he unlocks the same front door from ten years ago and so on. "Nah, I miss her so much that I couldn't leave."
"I miss her too. She was an amazing person." "She really was" I could tell that the subject of Nana made him sad too. "Come in son" he steps to the side so I can enter. "Do you want help with the coffee? " I watched as he shuts the door. "If you'd be so kind to, thanks Noah." He says while sitting at our old dinner table. "So Noah? What's on your mind." I was filling the coffee pot with some water before answering him. "Do you remember the night I came home from school and asked if I could quit?" He nods.
"What did I tell you?" I asked pouring the water. "You said something bad happened and you didn't want to go back, other than that... I don't really remember anything after that. "
I nodded and started up the coffee machine before sitting down in front of Paddy in my old chair. "Why'd you want to quit again? " I take a deep breath before looking up at him.
"Ugh, to start a band." I don't want to tell him the real reason why, but I'm gonna have to. "How's everyone doing? I heard your song on the radio the other day and it's absolutely fascinating, Noah." He compliments as I set my hands on the table. "Thanks. Their all good, Nick is still in so yeah." I nod as he smiles.
"He was always a good kid." I nodded and he sets his cain down. "So, what questions did you have son?" I swallow harshly before thinking of what I wanted to ask him.

"Paddy, when I told you I wanted to quit school, did I tell you what happened?" He nods but looks down at the floor. "You have to tell me what I said." "You told me you were were assaulted and never wanted to go back to that school again. The next day was a Saturday so you didn't need to go in, but I called the school and asked what the hell happened to you.
They told me that you were being bullied and the two jocks were arrested. The security guard reviewed some cameras and said he'd never share what he saw. I was drinking back then, but I never wanted something like that to happen to you, so I let you quit." I looked at his saddened eyes before speaking. "Why didn't you tell me Paddy?" I asked quietly, surprised he heard me. "I honestly don't know how I even remember this son, but... I don't know, I don't think any parent would tell their loved ones that. It's so traumatizing, Noah. I'm sorry son" I understand why he didn't, but I still would've liked to know.
"That was the last week I saw you"
I nodded at the memory of moving out to live with Nick in a small apartment. This was before we eventually found a house to buy.
"I'm so happy to see you, Noah... you're a great man, I've always known that... I was jealous of the attention you got from your Nana that I lost it, but I should have never taken it out on you my boy. " I nodded as he gently grabs my hand. "I just want you to know.... I'm so proud of you, Noah. My grandson is all over the radio and everytime I hear that song of yours, a smile appears on my face. I'm so happy son." I smiled at him as he was smiling back at me. It felt so good to have his support, and our relationship is the best it's ever been.
"Let me get the coffee." I stand up to get us to mugs. "How's your child? "
"He's great, I actually wanted him to meet you at some point. " I said pouring the coffee for us. "I'd love to, Noah!" He smiled as I was putting some cream and sugars into the glasses. "Here ya go, Paddy" I sat back down beside him as we cheered.
"Please stop bye again, and bring the wife too. I'd love to meet your family."
"I will. " I nod before taking a sip.....

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