the wild things

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"I know, but I can't miss this concert." I said to Nick as we entered the huge arena. We're going to see Linkin Park tonight in Virginia. "Can you sleep over at my house tonight? I'm worried what Paddy will do to you."
"Nah, I'll be fine Nick. Come on! The openers are walking out." I pulled Nick down to the front row with me as we cheered on the opening band....

Four hours later we were driving home, well Nick was driving me home. "Noah, please stay at my house.
You weren't supposed to go to that show and you did, do you know how mad he'll be? " Nick asked as we pulled down the street. "Nick, relax... Nana's home and I don't know how much worse it could possibly get "
I shrugged as Nick pulls down my street. "Stop here, I'll walk the rest of the way. Thanks Nick " I smiled before climbing out of Nick's car. "Noah? Tell them you were at my house ok?" I could tell he was worried about me.
"Sure, thanks for coming buddy. Goodnight " I waved then head down towards my house. It was dark and the neighbor's dog would not stop barking as I walked up the stones down the walkway. I quietly opened the front door and stepped inside.
I locked the door and head upstairs to my bedroom.

As I changed my clothes, then got in bed just wearing my shorts. Thank God I made it in without them knowing... or so I thought.

As I was about to fall asleep, I felt a soft hand touch my shoulder. I jumped in fright only to see it was Nana. She smiles at me before saying,
"Sweetheart, where were you tonight?" She never got mad at me, but I knew she wasn't gonna leave without an answer. "Hey, Nana" I whispered as I sit up to face her in the moonlight. "I went to see Linkin Park with Nick, please don't tell Paddy. " I begged as she pulls me into a hug.
"Thank God you're ok. Noah I was so worried that you were drinking or doing things you shouldn't be."
"No, it's Okay. I was just with Nick, we wanted to see them cause they don't come out here too often ya know? "
I asked as she slowly pulls away from me. "You boys and heavy metal." She chuckled as I push my scene hair out of my face. "Yeah, it's pretty awesome " I smirked as she giggles. "Well if Paddy asks me, I'm gonna say you were sleeping over at Nick's and forgot to tell us ok honey?" I hugged her tightly before saying "Nana, thank you so much" she kissed my forehead and said "Goodnight sweetie "......

I woke up to hear beeping from the machine right beside my bed. I must've just awakened from my surgery. I opened my eyes to see bright lights everywhere. I felt that my head was wrapped in a bandage from the back, while going to feel it I just realized that my hair was much shorter. I just wanted to see what I looked like, do I even look like myself anymore? I wondered as I sit upward, feeling nauseous as my body straightens up. "Ugh" I still had an oxygen mask on when I saw somone quickly run down my room.
Phil opened the door and gently layed me down again. "Hey Noah, we'll get a wheelchair for you ok?" I didn't have the strength to nod, so I just stared at him with a better sight than before. "Here doctor " a nurse says as he thanked her and pushed it towards the side of my bed. "We're gonna help you in, it's Okay, Noah" he says as he removes the bed rails so he and the nurse can help me get seated.
They grabbed my arms and gently helped set me down in the wheelchair. I cringed as my body hurt everywhere. "There we go " Phil says as I was properly seated. He removes the oxygen mask as I felt so nauseous.
"Phil, I'm gonna- I leaned forward as I myself about to get sick. "Here, it's Okay " he quickly puts a bag in front as I got sick. The nurse ran off to get something as Phil held the bag for me.

Once I was done, he takes the bag to the trashcan across the hall. "Phil, what's happening to me?" I questioned as he slowly approached me. "It's the usual effects after surgery,  but the only thing that was concerning me was that you just spit up a lot of blood. You might have had a nerve snap from inside your body, or it's just the adrenaline kicking in." I nodded as I felt my head again.
"What happened to my hair?"
"We had to cut a lot of it to complete the surgery, I'm sorry we  couldn't get your consent... we were half way into it already." I said a quite "ok" as a nurse came back with a mirror and two syringes. "Thanks Kristy" Phil takes the needles from her before walking back to me. "This is to help for the pain, and this one is extra medication" he explains as I set my arm down on the bed. "Thanks " the nurse gives me the mirror to look at my new self. I slowly turned it to see and I honestly looked like a different person. I don't even see myself in the reflection anymore. "You're all set" Phil says tossing the needles in the garbage. "Thank you guys" I said to him and the nurse as they told me to wait here for a minute.

I really wanted to see Eleanor so I just lift the gown up so it's not on the floor, and start wheeling my way down the hallway....



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