Tell me how

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Noah's POV
I was walking down the sidewalk with Sebastian just explaining what was going on with Eleanor. He's been asking about her and wants to see her. "It's not your fault, but she can't be around us right now. Mommy basically is really sick and needs other people to help her get better. Does that make sense buddy? " I asked as he held my hand. "Ok... Daddy? Why are you so sad" he asks looking up and me as we stopped walking.
"Daddy's been through a lot buddy, a lot of good things and a lot of bad things." I tried to explain as we start walking again. "What happened Daddy? " I leaned down and pick him up so we can walk faster across the street. "A lot of things I loved.... died and I felt lonely for a long time. I have a problem with something called depression." He furrows his brows and asks what depression is. "It's when you're really sad and sometimes you don't want to live anymore." He looked worried when I explained.
"Daddy are you gonna die?" I think I just scared the hell out of him.
"No no. I have you, and let me tell you something." I set him down as I got on my knees in front of him, making us at eye level. "I used to do things like that... look at these" I rolled my sleeves up and showed him my scars.
"Daddy did it hurt?" He gently touches the tattooed scars as I let him examine them. "Yeah, but that's why I did it. It helped the sadness I was feeling inside, but don't ever do that.
I almost died from these." He nods as I slowly rolled my sleeves down.
"Sebastian? Do you know why I'm still here." He shakes his head as I stared up at his eyes. "You... The day you came into my life buddy was the best part of my life. I love you so much and I want to teach you everything so you can do better than me, Daddy may be in a band but who knows? You might grow up to the the world's next doctor or a movie star, or a policeman, or whatever you decide to do. Sebastian you're a great boy, and I want you to know that you make me so happy." He smiles and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Daddy, I love you too! I want to do whatever you do. I love you Daddy" he hugs me as I smiled into his small shoulder.
"How did I get so lucky ?" He slowly pulls away and shrugs, "Daddy? Can we get a puppy " I laughed and stand to my feet. "Maybe when Mommy's better. " we continued to enjoy our walk......

Eleanor's POV
"It's been Four months!" I yelled as the nurse hands me some ibuprofen.
"Just one more week honey, believe me he's missing you just as much."
The curly haired nurse named Lisa said as I drank down the pills with my water and fixed my bun. "Do you think he'll forgive me? " I asked as she takes the cup and sets it on her cart. "Absolutely, if you were willing to get sober for him, then he'll see how much you care. Besides honey? I bet you wanna see that little boy of yours." She smirks as I laughed and nodded. "God I miss him so much" I smiled at the thought of my baby boy.
"How old is now?" She asked while checking my blood pressure.
"He's two, his birthday is a month away. Do you think I'll be sober by then?" She looks at me with a funny expression. "As long as you keep your mind focused on the people you love then I think you can accomplish anything. " I nodded as she removes the needle. "What should I do when he comes to see me next week? If he comes to see me." She grabs my hands and says, "He will and I'll do your makup baby. You look so much better honey, he has to fall to his knees when he sees you. What does he look like?" I pulled out my phone and look for a picture of us.

 What does he look like?" I pulled out my phone and look for a picture of us

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"This is him" I hand her my phone as she smiled. "Honey, he's gorgeous!" I nod as she says "Awe... you two are so beautiful together. " I thanked her as she gives me my phone back. "Sweetie? Don't give up on him, he loves you and... That's a very handsome man you got I'm just saying!" We laughed some more before walking back to my room.

God I miss my babies so much.

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