Killing me slowly

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Noah's POV
"Ugh, I don't think we can save her." The doctor says in exhaustion.
"NO, please don't give up on her! Please, please just give her a half hour... please?" I begged as I stood beside Will and a nurse. "A half hour, but if nothing happens then.... we have to stop. It's been three hours." I hated hearing that, but slowly nodded. "Do you wanna pump her heart? We've got nothing to lose." I looked at Will as he had his hands around Eleanor's barely beating heart. "I don't want to kill her." I barely said as he nods. "I understand, but you can still help save her." I nod as he slowly guides my hands to her heart. "You doing ok?" I just nod as so does he before cupping my hands and showing me how to pump her heart.
"Count to ten then realease." I nod again as he runs behind the curtain.

God Ellie come on

I count to ten in my head before releasing. "Ok there's another pulse" the doctor says as Eleanor's heartbeats get faster. "Ok, so far so good." The male nurse says as Will runs back to my side of the bed.
"Should I be holding this still?" I asked him as he nods. "Yeah, just for a minute. " Everyone's eyes were on the screen. "Wow, that's beating pretty fast!" Will says as the machine starts to BEEP. "Ok, that's a little too fast." two nurses run to the back. "What do I do? " I asked as he turns up her oxygen. "Just hold it.
Sh*t " he mumbled before running to the back. "What's wrong with her?" I panic as the doctor sedates her again. "She's having a heart attack."
"WHAT?" I yelled as Will came back.
"I gotta shock her" "No! Her heart can't take anymore." The doctor yells as Will presses start. "Doc she's gonna flatline if I don't do this!" The doctor nervously nods as Will presses on her chest. "THREE, TWO- "WAIT !" I yelled as her heart slowly starts to come down. "It's dropping, good!" Will and I watched the screen as the doctor slows her oxygen down. "If her heartrate comes back to a normal pace, we'll seal her up." Will nods as my eyes were glued to screen. "Eleanor, come on." I beg as her heartbeats were almost at a normal pace. "Here, let's get her ready." Will gently takes her heart from me as I ripped my gloves off and toss them into a sink before walking up to her face. "Okay, seal her up." The doctor orders as a nurse pulls out the stitching kit. "I can stitch her punctured wound." Will says to her as I held Eleanor's hand tightly. "Come on honey, you're gonna be alright." I whispered as the professionals worked to seal her flesh back together. "I'm gonna inject some liquid pain killers into her system, just watch her heartrate." I nod to the doctor as he gets a syringe ready.

"Last one" will mumbles as he starts to tie Eleanor's stitches on her side.
"Okay, we're good there." I gently rub her cold cheek as her chest slowly rises up and down. "Can you hold this?" The nurse asked as she and will work on sealing her stomach. She definitely will need more stitches than my arm.

"Once we're done, go tell her family what's going on." The nurse nods as Will nods to me smiling, I could tell by the way his eyes looked. "Yes doctor " she says as he injects Eleanor's wrist.
"Okay, I gotta another patient to get too, good luck guys." He then jogs out of room. "Alright, five more." I watched as the nurse ties the stitching up. "We should probably wrap her waist in some gauze, just so she can sit without too much pain." Will suggests as she nods. "Would you like to help him with that once I'm finished? " the nurse asked me as I quickly nod. "Thanks, I gotta help the doctor." I nod as she was slowly making her way to the last one. "Hold her still for five seconds" will nods as she very carefully starts to tighten the stitches up. "Ok, and she's done." I whispered "thank God " as the nurse takes her gloves off. "Okay guys, you finish the rest." Will chuckled as she tosses him a roll of gauze.

"Alright Noah, this part is easy."
"What do you need me to do? " I asked as he starts to unfold the roll.
"Maybe just lift her waist up gently, just so I can get this all around her." I nod and slowly lift her waist, so her back is arched slightly. "Great, just hold it there. I'm gonna try to hurry." He laughs as I nod.

"How'd you know the baby was alive? " I asked as he starts wrapping the gauze around Ellie's waist. "I once helped deliver a baby for this woman on the truck. She had been in a similar accident and her baby wasn't fully developed yet, so I raced the baby into the hospital and attached him to the same machine as your baby...sure enough he lived and is a perfectly healthy little boy. " I nod as he cuts the gauze and quickly tapes it shut. "Do you think our baby will make it?"
"Unfortunately that's a time will tell thing, but as long as it's in the hospital's hands, the baby has a better chance of living." I nodded as he removes his gloves. "Well when your wife wakes up, you can tell her you helped save her life." I don't know why I laughed, but I did. "Seriously man, you did a great job!" He says as we remove our masks. "Will, thank you for your help." I smile as we hugged tightly. "Noah, I'm honored...
Thank you for believing in us." I nod as we pulled away. "Why don't I go check on that baby for you?"
"That'd be great, thank you" he smiles before walking out of room.

"Baby girl, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." I whispered before kissing her forehead and holding her hand tightly.....

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