Were you ashamed or just afraid?

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Noah's POV
I ruffed my hair up to make it look thicker before I put my phone in my cargo pant pockets. Today was the day I'd see Eleanor for the first time in five months. I hope she's doing better cause I f*cking miss her like crazy.

I grabbed a peice of gum before walking downstairs. "Alright guys I'm heading out" I said as Sebastian was waiting for me by the door. "Ok pal, good luck " Jolly says as Nick and Folio nod. "Thank you. Ready buddy?" Sebastian smiles before grabbing my hand. We were both wearing jackets cause it was the beginning of winter and the temperatures outside were freezing. I picked up Sebastian as I stepped over the icy sidewalk. "Snowman Daddy!" Sebastian giggled as some snowflakes were falling. "Pretty soon yeah" I smiled while setting him in his booster seat. "Can you get your seatbelt on bud?"
"Sure Daddy " I nod before closing the back door of my car and walking to the front. I sat down and started the car before cracking the heat up.
"I still like this better than summer, right Sebastian? " I looked at him through the mirror. "Daddy no! Summer is the best." I shake my head and cringe making him laugh. "You'll see when you're sunburned. " he laughs as I pull down the street.

"So Sebastian? What are you gonna say to Mommy? " he looks at the ceiling and thinks while playing with his hair. "Mmmm, I love you " I smiled as we came to a red light.
"Yeah, I'm sure she can't wait to see you." He just smiles while looking out the window as we were on our way to then rehab center...

Eleanor's POV
I looked like a super model, Lisa seriously did an amazing job. I felt confident in myself for the first time in a long time. I was standing by the doors in a black dress and jacket, just wanting to see if Noah was gonna come see me. I haven't seen him or spoken with him since our fight a few months ago. I hope he's ok, I'm very blessed to have him.

About ten minutes later a black car pulls up.

Noah's POV
We pulled up to the front door of the rehab center before I take the keys out. "Buddy? Just wait here ok.
I'll come get you in a minute " I said looking behind my seat. "Ok Daddy " he nods as I reached for his hand.
"I'm gonna have to sit up here until I'm back." I helped him to the passenger seat and said a quick, "Be good " before locking the doors.

I put my keys in my pocket and approached the entrance. As the doors opened, I took in a deep breath while my heart was pounding against my chest. I was so nervous yet so happy to be coming to see her again.

My feet guide me to the white floor as my eyes slowly took in my beautiful angel about ten feet away from me.
I stared at her beautifully glowing self as she slowly takes a step closer to me.
I take one step in as we take turns approaching each other. I couldn't help but stare at her, she looked beautiful. Her hair had nice waves right below her chest as her eyes had eyeliner and smokey makup around her eyelids. She looks so much better, her weight is even better!

As we were arms distance, I reached my hand out as she reaches for mine.
We don't say anything, we just slowly take two more steps before I pulled her into my arms. We hugged each other so tightly before falling to our knees, still hugging. "We're alright, everything's gonna be alright." I whispered in her ear as I felt her playing with my hair in a comforting sense. *sniff* was all I heard from Eleanor as we slowly pull away.
"There's my angel" I whispered as a smile appeared on my face. "You look so handsome, Noah. " she smiles as a tear falls from her pretty face. "Your gonna ruin your pretty makup" I laughed while gently rubbing my thumb under her stunning eyes.
"Baby " she cups my face and smiles with so much happiness. "You did this. Look at you." I pull her into another hug and kissed her lips.
We kissed passionately for what felt like forever, but forever is too short.
"Awe!" We opened our eyes before pulling away. "Lisa, He came!" Ellie smiles at the curly haired nurse named Lisa. "He sure did!" She smiles as we stand to our feet. "I'm assuming you were the one who helped my beautiful wife?" I questioned as she walks up to us. "I sure am and let me give you two a hug!" She smiles while pulling us into a hug. "Well miss Lisa, I'm Noah... Eleanor's husband and I just want to thank you for everything." I smiled as she Pats my shoulder. "Not a problem honey, you have a wonderful wife." I pulled Ellie into my side as we stand together again. "I'm very blessed." I kissed Ellie's forehead as she blushes. "And Eleanor Davis, look at him! " I was now blushing. "You are so handsome honey, the picture made you ugly... in person you are smoking!" I laughed as Ellie swats her away jokingly. "She's gonna try and steal you from me, Noah' Ellie says as she and Lisa hug again. "Awe man... well I know you guys have a little boy to get to, so I hope I'll run into you guys sometime ok?" We nodded and thanked Lisa again. "Bye bye, cuties!" She then walks down the hallway to assist other patients.

"You wanna see our son now? He's been dying to see you." Ellie wraps her arms around my waist and nodded. "I'd love too." We kissed and interlocked our fingers as we stepped outside. It was snowing but very lightly, and the winds were quiet.

I held Ellie's tiny hands as we approached my car. I unlocked the doors and slowly opened the door to see Sebastian staring at me.
"You ready to see Mommy Sebastian?"

He doesn't say anything, just nods as I stepped to the side to let Ellie come into his view

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He doesn't say anything, just nods as I stepped to the side to let Ellie come into his view. As soon as she looks inside the car he smiles at her. "Mommy!" She smiles with tears of happiness as he quickly crawls over my seat to her. "Come here baby!' She says in pure joy as he makes it into her arms. "Awe my little baby! How are you honey? Oh my god I missed you and Daddy so so much!" She says while hugging him tightly. "Good, Daddy bought me a fish! " he says as they slowly pulled away. "He did? Well Daddy's a sweetheart too!" She made me laugh as she picks Sebastian up and turns to me. "Come here, I need a hug from my handsome boys." She says as I bear hugged her and Sebastian. "I love you two so much!" She says quietly as we all were hugging. "I love you guys so much too, and guess who just showed up?" I let them go as Folio, Nick, and Jolly were all standing at the end of my car.
"AAAAAAGGGGGGG!!!" Ellie sets Sebastian down and runs into their welcoming arms. "I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH !" She yells as they hugged her tightly. "You look so beautiful!" Folio smiles, "DON'T TRY TO KISS ME" he puts his hands up jokingly as Jolly hugs her from behind. "FOLIO, I'M SORRY!" They laughed as she hugs Jolly, "My swedish teddy bear!" He laughs as they slowly pull away. "Nicky come here" she smiles as Nick picks her up and hugs her. "My favorite sister" he smiles before setting her down.
"Okay! Give me my girl back." I joke as Sebastian and I walked towards them. "Papa is coming!" Jolly says as my eyes went wide. "NOOOO! Do not call me papa ever again!" I laughed giving them hugs. "Daddy, Mommy?
Can we get ice cream " Sebastian tugs my jacket as I lean down to pick him up. "Yes we can and you guys are coming too." I point to my band as the smiled. "Is it gluten free? " jolly asked as everyone furrowed their eyebrows.
"What? Sweden has the best gluten free ice cream!" We all laughed before agreeing on where to go then got in our cars.

God it feels so good to have my angel back, and we're all together as a family again...

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