Maybe hell ain't so bad after all

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Noah's POV
We walked inside not saying a word since our huge fight. I love Eleanor so much, but I f*cking hate her right now. This is bad... really bad.

I watched as Eleanor ran to her purse and quickly pulled out one of her credit cards. What I didn't expect was to see her use the card to make three lines of cocaine across the dinner table. I've seen cocaine before and I've experienced the effects of some drugs, but cocaine was one I never tried. I so badly wanted to burn the bag from her hands, I'm literally watching her kill herself.

I guess I'll go get her some fresh clothes to wear before taking her to rehab. I walked up our stairs for the first time in a long time and went to our bedroom. I grabbed one of her Korn t shirts and some skinny jeans before going into the bathroom. She should probably put her hair back cause it's incredibly long now. I searched in her drawers for a hair tie but couldn't find any. Maybe she has some in the medicine cabinet?

I set the clothes down on the sink before opening the doors. Once my eyes saw the three bags of cocaine, I just shattered. My heart was pounding in slow motion as my eyes become glossy. She has a problem that's WAY worse than I thought... it's much worse. I felt a tear fall from my face as I stood there staring at the drugs.

"Noah I'm not going to- she stops talking when she realized what I had just discovered. "What is this?" I whispered with shaking lips. "Noah, why would you- "ELEANOR .... YOU ARE DONE WITH THIS. ALL OF THIS" I grabbed the scissors underneath the sink and started slicing up the bags.
THAT'S WORTH $300" I let the cocaine fall into the toilet while holding the other two bags in my arm. "YOU'RE SPENDING MY MONEY ON THIS SH*T !" I screamed while slicing the second bag up. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? " she grabs my arm and tries to get the last bag. I eventually get to the last bag and start slicing it up as well. "YOU'RE SO EVIL. YOU'RE A PEICE OF SH*T YOU SON OF B*TCH!" She screamed while storming off to the bedroom doing God knows what.

Once I finish, I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, I hand cocaine all over them. I dry them off and grabbed the clothes off the sink and walked to our bedroom. "GET THE F*CK AWAY FROM ME YOU *SSHOLE!" She yells while throwing our wedding picture at me, causing it to shatter once it hit me. "You're acting like a psycho, get over here." I said trying to grab her hand. "I F*CKING HATE YOU, NOAH. I F*CKING HATE YOU!" She screams as I grabbed her and literally had to drag her to the door. "I don't care, you're going " I try to pick her up but she elbows and knees me in the stomach and crotch.
"UGH " I leaned over holding my stomach as she goes back into our bedroom. "P*SSY" she flicks me off and as I I lyed on the floor in pain.
"Eleanor? " I call in pain as I see her throwing my clothes out of the closet.
I was I pain but I need to get her to rehab, she's acting crazy.

I finally stand to my feet and walk into the bedroom. "GET OFF ME " she yells as I wrapped my arms around her quickly. 'I tried being nice and now you're just making this worse.
You are going now" I hissed while forcefully pulling her out of the bathroom. "LEAVE ME ALONE. I HATE YOU SO F*CKING MUCH' she screams as I tighten my grip around her. "YOU'RE HURTING ME" I carefully walked her downstairs and tried to grab my keys as she was trying to kick me. "You're making this much worse. Knock it off!" I almost yelled while pulling her to the front door.

We step outside and I quickly lock the door as we head down to the car.
"Put your seatbelt on " I said opening her door and making her sit down.
"Your a f*ck you know that? " I just slammed the door in her face and quickly walked to my side. "Well at least I didn't f*ck over my family." I start the car once again and map quest a rehab center.

Once we got onto the highway, Ellie speaks again. "You should be apologizing" I looked at her in shock.
"For what?!" I sounded as angry as I was now. "You f*cking stupid? You destroyed my only escape." She says staring at me with a look of hatred.
"You destroyed my life, how you like them apples." I said back as she was trying to keep it together. "You shouldn't have come back. You come and not only destroy my only hope, but you destroyed my happiness." I was in such disbelief. "Happiness! That's what you call happiness? How about our poor son who doesn't know what the f*ck is going on ? Ya ever think about him. Do you understand how blessed we are to have perfectly healthy son? We lost two babies and now we final have a perfect child together, you're just gonna throw him away too?" I questioned as she starts to cry. "You left me and took him with you." I shake my head as we were pulling up to a rehab center. "Thank God I did" and with that I parked the car and walked to her side.

"Give me your hand. You have to do this " I whispered as she swats my hand away and shakes her head.
"Eleanor, you have no say. Get out of the car now." She looks up at me then steps out, thank God for that.
She slams the door shut as I walked beside her towards the front doors.
"You can go now" she says in annoyance as I reached for the door.
"Not until I know you're in good hands." I replied while holding the door open for her.

Once we approached a nurse in the hallway, she asked a few questions before telling Eleanor to follow her.
I stood in the hallway watching them disappear, it was really sad to watch, but she has to get help.

"Sir? We can give you updates but unfortunately you won't be able to see her for at least a month. It will help you both." I nod at the woman at the front desk before walking to the door.
"God help her " I whispered before pushing the door open and leaving.....

Kingdom of cards chpt 3 N.S. Bad Omens story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant