The brightest side of grey

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Noah's POV
One week later

Eleanor and I both got our own separate therapists and have been attending therapy for our personal struggles. Ellie's been a little more open about her past traumas, same with me, and honestly it has helped us so much. We both went through very similar situations and have fought through the trauma for so long now.
We need to unleash everything, though it's so hard.

I was sitting with my elbows on my knees and my hands crossed as my therapist spoke. "Noah, you're comfortable with hiding the pain, but you might have to get uncomfortable to be in peace. You don't have to think about it, but you can't ignore it. " she was right, but facing the truth was a totally different scenario for me.
"Forgetting is the only way I'm healing. Why would I go back?" I asked as she pushes her black glasses up. " So you can make peace with it.
If you hide it behind the closed door, then it'll always come back to haunt you. Your better off coming face to face with the trauma, Noah. " I nod and bit my lip as she crosses her arms waiting for me to speak. "Alright... ok"
I think I'm ready....

Eleanor's POV
"I never ran from it, I just wanted to leave the past in the past you know?" My therapist Jon nodded. "We all have, but when we hide it that just makes it harder to heal from. When you open the door and let it in, you can finally set yourself and that past trauma free. Does that make sense?"
I nodded, "it does, but how do I so that?" "I can't give you advice, but if it were me I'd talk about it... make peace with it." I nod again before starting all the way from the very beginning....

Noah's POV
I stood in the Hallway waiting for Ellie to finish her session. As I stood there I got a phone call, it was Nick.
"Hello?" I answer. "Hey bud, are done with the therapy session yet?"
"Yeah, I just got out. What's going on?"" I asked shifting my weight.
"I just got a call from our manager and he wants to set up some tour dates. Are you Okay with that? Or do you want more time?" I scratch my head while trying to make a decision.
"Yeah, I actually think that would be great... one thing though?"
"Shoot" "I need to bring my family, if not I'm not going." "I get it... I'll get the backup tour bus for you guys ok?"
"Thanks Nick, Ellie just finished so I'll call you back." We then said goodbye as I approached Ellie.

"Hey babe " I smiled as she hugs me.
"How'd it go?" She asks me as we were still hugging. "It was... hard.
I'm glad not to be running from it anymore you know? How'd your session go? " I asked as we slowly pulled away. "Good, kinda hard too.
I didn't think talking about it would help so much though." We held hands and head to the front doors. "Yeah, I understand. Maybe we should do some sessions together? " I asked holding the door open for us as we exited. "I was thinking the same thing, but I think we should focus on our traumas first." "We should, we can it slowly and see where that takes us." She smiles as I unlocked our car and got the door for her. "Can I ask you something real quick? " I asked leaning on her door. "Yeah"
"Our manager wants us to get back on the road soon, so do you want to come? I don't want to go if you and Sebastian aren't there." She looks me in the eyes and smiles. "Really? You'd want me to come." I nod as she pulls me into a hug. "Noah, I'd love to go, I think Sebastian would love it. I could homeschool him while you're on tour, so why not? " I kissed her and smiled.
"Let's do it." We kissed again before I closed her door and got in my seat.....

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