chapter one

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fun night's out

min ivy

"you said this club was lowkey!" i whine in protest as my best friend hara pulls into the parking lot. the lot was full of cars, and people could be seen walking in and out of the club doors. not to mention the loud music blaring, paired with faint cheers and laughter from the people inside.

"it is lowkey! it's just popular." she retorts. putting the car in park. she pulls down her mirror to check her makeup, i take the opportunity to do the same. making sure my subtle brown smoky eye hadn't smudged at all during the ride.

"i don't think you know what lowkey means." i roll my eyes, patting down a few strands of my brown hair.

"you complain too much, relax a little." she reaches over, adjusting the straps of my red cocktail dress.

"i'm totally relaxed." i dramatically cross my arms, and spread my legs, the position making her burst into laughter.

"listen, we just passed our exams, our last semester of college starts next week. we are going to go all out tonight. black out, and fuck some crazy attractive person." the way she spoke gave off parental vibes, but the words she was saying was nothing like anything a parent would ever say.

"why don't we celebrate like this once we've actually finished college?" i ask, laughing as she pulls an annoyed face at me.

"because i'm stressed, and i need to forget about life for a little bit. are you in or not?" she deadpans, cocking an eyebrow at me quizzically.

"i'm already here, aren't i?" i reach over the center console, booping her nose with my pointer finger, before gingerly hopping out of the car. my heels hitting the pavement with a loud clacking sound. i walk around the front of the car, meeting her as she gets out from her side. we link our arms together, chatting animatedly as we walk towards the entrance of the club.

we had to speak louder the closer we got, the music drowning out almost every sound that came from our lips unless we were practically screaming it. i was sure this level of volume would be damaging to my ear drums after being here all night. we easily got passed the bouncers, already having our ID's in hand as we walked up to the door, thankful there wasn't a long line of people.

"what are you drinking tonight?" hara yells, despite her lips being right by my ear, she still had to yell.

"i'm thinking vodka sodas." i yell back, hara nodding in agreement as she pulls us to the bar. there were about five men behind the bar, all working hard as they mixed various drinks, handing them to the various people all around the bar. we waited patiently for one of them to approach us, seeing how busy they were, and we weren't in any kind of rush.

"what's your poison tonight, ladies?" one of the men approach us, a towel draped over his shoulder. he wore a fitted black tee, just like all the other men behind the bar. but this particular bartender had a rather alluring sleeve of tattoos on his toned arm. curly black hair resting on his head, and i couldn't help but notice a slight accent as he spoke.

"two vodka sodas, with a side of your number." hara flirts. i chuckle at her already starting to make advances on people in the club, and we'd hadn't even been in a full minute yet. i admired her boldness. the bartender chuckles, bending down to grab two clean glasses. he fills them with ice, pouring in about two shots of vodka in each before topping them off with soda. he garnishes them with a lemon slice before sliding the glasses towards us.

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