chapter four

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history repeats itself

min ivy

"i am not going to another club." i tell hara sternly. her face pouty as she leans against my door frame, two dresses in her hands.

"this isn't a club! it's just the frat boys throwing a party before the semester starts." she clarifies.

"as if that makes it any better." i shake my head at her.

"oh come on! you don't even have to sleep with anyone, just keep an eye on me." she winks, wiggling one of the dresses at me. i guess that couldn't hurt.

"fine. when are we leaving?"

"an hour." she jumps happily, throwing the dress on my bed as she skips out of my room. i roll my eyes at her, getting out of my comfy bed as i grab the dress. a dark blue cocktail dress, the midriff made out of lace. of course, hara being hara, it came with a sexy set of lingerie. the bra was lacy with crossed straps, and the panties were cheeky, with chains as the waist band.

"i'm only putting this on because it matches the dress..." i tell myself. i was not going to be sleeping with anyone tonight. not after what happened a few days ago. the fear of being caught still heavy on my mind. i felt guilt ridden, and it wasn't even my fault. i was glad that i hadn't seen jisung at all since the incident. then again, i doubt i'd ever see him again unless i went back to that club.

i quickly strip of my comfy clothes, grabbing the lingerie and sliding it on. it was surprisingly comfy despite the chain-link waist band of the panties, and the awkward crossed straps of the bra. i then carefully step into the dress, reaching back to pull the zipper up on my own, something i had become a sort of expert at doing. once it was fully on, i head to my bathroom to fix up my hair and add light makeup.

once i was satisfied with my looks, i made my way to the living room where hara was sat on the couch, taking selfies. i giggled as i plopped down next to her, pressing my lips against her cheek as she snapped a picture.

"we're so hot." hara jokes as she looks at the picture. i nod in agreement.

"the hottest." she laughs.

"well if you're ready, we can go now, i hear some people are already getting there." she suggests.

"sure, i don't see why not." i shrug, pushing myself off the couch. and soon enough, we were on our way to the party.


the yard of the frat house was already loaded with people holding solo cups, bouncing around to the loud music blaring from the house. i could recognize most of the people from my graduating class, and of course a few of the younger classes mixing in, just at the party to have some fun before the semester starts. hara parks her car on the side of the road, squeezing between a few other cars.

"this is a lot bigger than the one last year." she chuckles, scanning her eyes over the various people. i nod in agreement, clicking my seatbelt off.

"looks like they only have beer." i pull my face into one of disgust.

"yeah what do you expect? they're frat boys." she laughs, opening her door to get out. i do the same, meeting her at the front of the car. "so that girl from the other night is here, and she wanted to see me again." she tells me, looking at me with an apologetic look.

"don't look at me like that, go! you know i don't mind." i laugh, placing my arm on her shoulder reassuringly.

"are you sure? will you be okay?" she asks.

"yeah, i'll go find naomi or something." i tell her, referring to one of my other friends.

"you're the best, call if you need me!" she says happily, placing a kiss on my cheek before happily skipping off. i shake my head at her, smiling lazily as i make my way into the party. i push past everyone, eventually making my way to the door. once i enter the house, i head straight to the kitchen, looking for something to drink. as i enter, there were a few couples making out in the corners of the room, and a boy rummaging through the fridge, seeming to ignore all of the beer on the counter.

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