chapter three

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let the game begin

min ivy

my eyes fluttered open, entire lower body feeling incredibly weak as the memory of the hot sex came flooding back into my mind. the room was painted an off-white color, black curtains flowing against the window as the ceiling fan gently blew on them. dim rays of sunshine peaking through into the room, giving it a faint glow, enough that i could make out my surroundings.

jisung was no longer behind me, i was covered in the white puffy comforter, now wearing an oversized gray shirt. i was sure my hair and makeup were a mess by now. i slowly sit up, looking for my bag, having a slight panic attack when i remember i dropped it at the entrance of jisung's apartment. but instantly calming as it was now sat on the side table right next to me, likely the doing of jisung. but unfortunately, as i fished my phone out of the bag, it was dead.

i used the reflection of the phone screen to try to gauge just how rough i looked, but was pleasantly surprised to see no trace of makeup on my face. i felt myself blush happily at the thought of jisung removing my makeup. but it quickly turned into a blush of embarrassment, knowing i was probably a huge inconvenience to him, falling asleep in his home without even asking.

i look around the room, noticing a few photos of him and another boy. the photos were strung up on a fairy light string, and was very pleasing to look at. i assumed this must be one of his closest friends as i recalled seeing him in some of the other pictures i saw by the entrance. but yet again, my snooping was cut short when jisung hurriedly rushed into his room, my dress and heels in his hands as he kicked the door shut.

"good, you're awake..." he says frantically, pulling the comforter off of my legs and plopping my belongings into my lap.

"what time is it?" i ask, taking my belongings in my hands, confused by his frantic actions.

"i'm really sorry for what's about to happen... i tried to keep him out, but he's very persistent." he gives me an apologetic look, helping me stand from his bed. he supports me as my legs wobble momentarily.

"keep who out?" i furrow my eyebrows at him, trying to ignore the way my legs wanted to just give out.

"my boyfriend... you might want to start running..." my eyes widen at his words, and as if on cue, another voice sounds through the apartment.

"han jisung! i swear if someone comes out of that room that isn't you i'm gonna-"

"fuck... hide!" he whisper-yells, causing me to not hear the threat his apparent boyfriend was about to spew. i look at him like he is absolutely insane, fear taking over my body. i was not a homewrecker, he didn't even mention having a partner. upon noticing how i wasn't moving, jisung groaned, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a closet. yeah, cause he's definitely not going to check the fucking closet. i roll my eyes as he shuts me in.

"it smells like sex in here." the unknown boy speaks. i could tell he had finally entered the bedroom.

"no it doesn't." jisung retorts. i had to fight the urge to loudly slap my face into my hands at his words.

"so if i check the box of condoms, there will be the same amount as there was yesterday?" i hear the other boy pull open the same drawer jisung had opened last night.

love game // han jisung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now