chapter nine

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coming back to haunt me

min ivy

i ended up waking up around ten in the morning, giving myself two hours to get ready before my last first class of college. by some grace, i didn't have a hangover despite the amount of alcohol i'd consumed the night prior. it took roughly an hour to explain everything to hara, as she understandably had a lot of questions. she had warned me to be careful before the two of us headed off to bed.

i lazily dragged myself out of the comforting warmth of my bed, pulling my phone off the charger as i made my way to my bathroom. taking in my messy appearance in the mirror, i no longer had any trace of lipgloss, probably all sucked off by either minho or jisung. my foundation was splotchy, and my mascara made me look like a panda. my hair a knotted mess. i groan, reaching over to turn the shower on, ready to wash the night off.


i scan over my schedule one last time as i walk into the building that held my first class. an elective that i had been avoiding all throughout my time at college. music and literature. mostly because my musical knowledge was practically zero, and this was the first time i had stepped foot into the music building.

i walk into the classroom listed on my schedule, head held down as i was afraid i wouldn't know a single person in this class. i had just planned to sit alone, and endure it for the semester. and everything was going according to plan until...

"ivy?" the voice was way too familiar. but i didn't want to seem rude.

"minho..." i turn around, trying my best to smile at him.

"fancy seeing you here." he smirks, motioning to the empty chair next to him. i mentally groan, my feet carrying me to the seat before my brain had time to rationalize the decision. "i actually wanted to apologize about last night." i was slightly caught off guard.

"you don't have to, it's okay." i shake my head at him as i place my backpack on the ground next to me.

"i should have told you i recognized you, especially since we..." he trails off.

"it's really okay." i tell him again, not wanting my mind to wander off to the amazing sex we had.

"i'm also sorry for guilt-tripping you with the whole boyfriend thing." he keeps going, despite my words, so i decide to keep quiet and let him talk. "jisung is just my best friend, and i want to make sure he ends up with a nice person. and don't worry, i won't hold it against you that you slept with me. you didn't know." i nod silently, waiting to see if he was going to say anything else. "and i know you don't really believe it, but jisung and i... there's nothing there."

"okay." i nod.

"okay?" he tilts his head, likely not expecting me to believe him so quickly. i didn't, but i was tired of being told there was nothing going on when there clearly was, whether or not either of them realized.

"okay." i repeat. he blinks, nodding slowly.

"well i think we should be friends, seeing as how we have a class together, and you're getting with my best friend." he says with a smile.

"i'm not getting with jisung. i'm just giving him a shot." i remind him. i was not going into anything serious with him until i was sure. minho laughs.

"you'll end up with him. jisung is a little irresistible." he teases, wiggling his eyebrows. there it is.

"we'll see. i'm taking it slow."

"as slow as you can with someone you slept with the first time you met them." he jokes, smirking. i couldn't help but think that he sounded maybe a little bit bitter? maybe jisung doesn't have anything for minho, but minho surely has something for jisung. it was evident in the way he seemed to joke about it as if he was trying to cope with it.

"yeah..." i laugh awkwardly.

"so what are you doing in this class?" he questions.

"it's an elective i have to take before i can graduate." i tell him.

"don't you usually do those before your last semester?"

"yeah, but i put it off. i don't know a thing about music." i chuckle.

"well lucky for you, i know a lot about music." he smirks. thankfully, the professor walked in, because i was running out of things to say to him. it not that i didn't like him, it's just that our situation was awkward. i was not one for awkward situations, i just wished this whole thing between the three of us didn't turn into some big problem. i hated drama. part of the whole reason i was so reluctant to move forward with jisung.

speaking of jisung, i realized i hadn't texted him at all. and if we were going to try this, we would need to talk more. i hardly knew anything about him besides his complicated love life. so i pull out my phone, holding it under the table as i pull up the contact he made for himself. i could tell minho was likely watching, but i didn't care.

jisung ;)

hey! when are you free? :)

hey! i was actually
meeting minho for lunch
when he gets out of class,
you're welcome to join us
if you'd like! :)


oh... meeting minho for lunch...


okay, i'll see you then!

perfect. can't wait ;)


i mentally groan, locking my phone and placing it in my backpack. i couldn't help but wonder if every meeting with jisung would be like this. with minho. i don't shame people for anything, but i was just not into throuples. i was more of a monogamous type of girl. i surely didn't want to go on a date with jisung and his 'best friend'.

"does jisung go here?" i lean over to minho, whispering the question.

"no, he just promised to visit me since i don't really know anyone on campus." he answers, whispering as well. i nod slowly. "don't worry, you'll get to know him more soon." he pats me on the back, and i couldn't help but feel as if he was being back-handed. it felt like he didn't actually want me in jisung's life, or maybe i was just looking into it too much.

but i knew one thing for sure, i wasn't going to fight minho for jisung. if he wanted him, he could have him. i wasn't the type to get caught up in love triangles. while i was lost in thought, the professor had passed out some sort of worksheet. i looked down at it noticing it seemed to be some sort of music quiz. i stare at the page, face contorting into confusion. minho quietly chuckles beside of me.

to my surprise, he subtly slides his paper closer to me, moving his arm so that i could see it fully. he gently elbows me, indicating that i could copy off of his paper. so i do, writing down each answer, making sure to get a few wrong so it wasn't too suspicious. the mini quiz was over quickly, the professor taking up our papers.

"thanks for that, you didn't have to do that." i whisper to him, not wanting anyone to overhear.

"we literally fucked raw, i wish you would stop being so formal with me." he chuckles. a bright red blush coating my cheeks at his words. "let's go, don't want to keep jisung waiting." he smirks, standing up and grabbing his backpack off of the floor. i clear my throat doing the same, following him out of the classroom. i really hope he doesn't say something like that in front of jisung...

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