Moving On

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Dario POV

I couldn't believe my luck! I waited my whole life for this. Even though I'm young and only 27 years old. This was the opportunity of a lifetime and I can't believe that it was happening to me. I got a call that I was picked to be a dancer with one of the biggests artists for an upcoming tour. I thought that the opportunity was lost when I tried out the first time. Turns out that one of the dancers had a family emergency and they couldn't continue on. I had a lot to learn in a short amount of time. As I packed my bags, I kept zoning out. My phone rang as I was getting things together.

"Hey D man what's up? Did I really hear that you leaving?" It was my best friend since we were kids, Tariq.

"Hey man! Look I just couldn't pass it up. 'Eryone trippin' too. My parents not even here to see me. They want me to still go to college...."

"Man that's crazy!! Look you gotta do what's best for you. I been knowin you want to be a professional dancer for a while so just do it. Don't let anyone hold you back"

"Thanks man, 'preciate your support. At least you got me"

"So you lettin Maritza know you leavin?"

"Naw....we were never really like that. She was just a hook up from time to time. That's it"

"Aight' cool I here ya."

"I gotta go and finish up. I'll let ya know once I get settled"

"Cool man. I'll talk to ya"


Was I really going to be dancing with Janet Jackson? When I said I would be professional dancer, my family would laugh at me. My parents didn't really support my dream, well mostly my mom. They wanted me to go to college. I mean I already had put it off now for a few years. I was already 27! You'd think they get it by now. I was just doing odds and end jobs. Mostly teaching dance classes in the city that my parents didn't even know about. I just knew that the path of going to college wasn't for me. I was made for something bigger. I would post videos of me as a teenager on Vine. I laughed to myself thinking how silly and crazy I used to look on there. I finished packing several bags as I would be gone for a while...shit if I even came back. I made sure I pretty much packed my whole room. It was time for me to get up from under my parents anyway. Being this old and still living at home wasn't cute for a dude.

The tour that was scheduled was only a few months away. Because my parents didn't support my dream, I had to grab an Uber to the airport. At this point I didn't even know if I would come back to visit. I took one last look around the room. Pausing and taking a deep breath I left feeling sad, but excited at the same time for what laid ahead.

After getting settled in LA, things were a whirlwind from then on. From settling in a furnished studio apartment to getting to rehearsals, I barely had time to breathe or eat or sleep. I didn't even have time to call Tariq to let him know I was cool.

Janet POV

I couldn't believe that I was going out on tour again. What was I thinking?! Gil finally convinced me. I thought that #SOTW would be my last. Also Elissa is getting older and I didn't really want to keep him on the road like that. Him still being young, he didn't care as long as he was with mommy.

That tour for me was eye opening and a huge weight was uplifted off of my shoulders from all of the drama that I had been dealing with Wissam. For me it was calm and comfort that I now had. I was able to release so much and my fans were amazing and so supportive. I couldn't believe he put me through the verbal and physical abuse that he did. I can't believe that I tolerated it. Everyone always saw me as strong person...which I am. I don't know what happened and why I allowed it. All that mattered is that I was finally in a good place. No man. No drama. Although I did miss sex... desperately. It's definitely been a while. My favorite vibrator could only do so much.

We were on our way to see the dancers at rehearsal. Joey and Preston were bothering me as usual. I sighed just trying to get in the right frame of mind.

Dario POV

Currently I was at rehearsals. Gil was on our asses when we made mistakes.

"What are ya'll doin!!! That is not what we went over! What the hell!!" Gil was losing it and so was Dean. Although Dean was a lot nicer about it.

They just didn't play and wanted everything perfect. I still had not practiced with Janet. I hadn't even met her yet and we've been practicing for weeks. At this time it was only me and three other male dancers, Guero, Denzel and Mariusz. They were cool as shit and hella funny. We've all been hangin out for a few weeks now. I also learned that Janet had changed how she wanted set up for this tour. Gil was explaining that it would be more scaled down and more personal than her previous tours. She only wanted male dancers. As things were wrapping up, Janet walked in the room. I instantly started sweating. She was gorgeous.

"Hey mama J!!" yelled Denzel and Guero.

Denzel and Guero ran to her hugging, laughing, and high fiving. They had been with Janet for a while now and had already worked with her on previous stuff and tours. They seemed to be good friends. I just stood there rooted in one place. I didn't even know what to do with my body.

"Hey Denzy! Guero!" She giggled. "Maniek! Come on give me a hug!"

She had the cutest laugh. She was perfection. And she was here.

After all the hugs and hellos she came up to me and introduced herself.

"Hey Darius! I'm Janet. I hope you are ready to work, but we will have fun. Don't worry. Gil isn't that bad."

I was tongue tied and just smiled shyly. Her saying my actual name was sexy. A lot of people just called me Dario or D. She spoke so softly. I was finally able to speak after a while.

"Thank you for the opportunity. I'm forever grateful." I finally muttered.

Wait....did she just look me up and down..... Did she bite her lip?! Did the guys see what just happened? Interesting.....

"So Dunk since you here we may as well go ahead and work you in for a bit" Gil said.

So practice continued for another few hours. I was becoming exhausted. Gil was still working us, but added Janet into the mix. I had some dance sequences with Janet where we were up on each other.

As I danced close to Janet and she grinded on me with her back to me, I could feel myself getting hard

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As I danced close to Janet and she grinded on me with her back to me, I could feel myself getting hard. Oh shit! What the hell was wrong with me. She looked so good in the tight jogger's and hoodie that she had on. Her ass was visible even in sweat pants. She looked and smelled so amazing even after hours of rehearsal. I had to get myself together...what was I doing....this is my boss. How would I manage this entire tour like this? Was she doing this on purpose?


**Excuse any mistakes

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