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Dario POV

I still was in a state of disbelief over the whole stage kiss that happened a few days ago. I couldn't believe she changed the routine at the last minute and kissed me on stage in front of everyone. And it wasn't just a peck! She had her whole tongue in my mouth. I went with it not knowing what else to do pretending like it was part of the act. But I mean what the actual fuck?! I had no idea what she was thinking sometimes. I was surprised she would be that bold, but maybe I didn't know her like I thought I did. I definitely wanted to.

We needed to have another talk. She did tell me that she likes me and feeling me. This I already knew. I don't know if we really resolved anything. Now I'm not going to say I didn't like it, the kiss on stage. I was instantly turned on. Then she came to my room like nothing happened and we basically dry humped each other making each other cum. Now I'm not gonna lie that was fun. But we talked and everything was good at that point. Or at least I thought it was.

She's been acting weird towards me for the past couple of days. Like not really talking or anything. We haven't even kissed. This woman had me all kinds of fucked up. I just didn't know what she was looking for. Or what she wanted. She was up one day and sideways the next. We were currently at rehearsal and she went through the motions, but there was nothing extra like it usually is. Normally we'd be all up on each other with the extra touching and being flirty with one another. I was trying, but she wasn't. Gil kept looking at us even trying to figure out what was up.

"Janet, I need you give me a lot more than that. Dario you're good."

Afterwards Gil pulled her aside to talk to her. She was talking to him. I wasn't sure what he was saying to her, but he was clearly irritated and seemed to be snappin' off on her. I could see she had a whole attitude and she crossed her arms. I rolled out as I didn't want to get into a fight with her or have some drama while people were around. I was currently talkin to Tariq just catching up on my way to grab something to eat at the venue.

"So how's everything been man? I haven't heard from you in a while!"

"Dude it has been the craziest experience ever. My bad for not reaching out earlier. Once we got started we just hit the ground running. The guys I dance with are hella cool and there is no drama or shit, we get along pretty well and have fun."

"How is it working with Janet Jackson man?! Is she stuck up like a lot of those singers?"

"Naw man she cool as fuck. She's down to earth and everything. She hangs out with us. Like we all go to a club, drink, and kick it. We all go out to dinner and just chill out. Her best friend, Gil, he be on our asses during rehearsal, but even he cool too. Even security cool."

"Are you serious? I thought she'd be off to herself and not be bothered with y'all."

"Naw not even she good."

"That's what's up."

"So have you hollered at her or hit it?"

"Really man?"

"What it's an innocent question."

"Naw man. Not like that."

"I did peep on the internet that she kissed you though. What was that man?!"

"All part of the act man. And not serious."

"Ok ok."

I would never tell him what's going on with Janet and I. He would tell everyone. He was my homeboy and everything, but I wanted to keep some things to myself. That's something I learned right away. Plus they be having us sign NDAs and shit when signing the contract to tour. Janet is a very private person and I would never betray her trust like that anyway. She'd be too upset. She meant too much to me even if she was acting strange lately. I'm glad we at least clarified who we talked to about us. I think eventually I'll talk to Guero about it. We've been hanging out a lot and he was becoming a really close friend. I can't tell just anyone about us, but he'd be cool.

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