Baby Daddy Issues

413 19 5

Janet POV

I was currently at my hotel suite waiting on Darius to get back with my snacks he promised me. He said he'd spend the night with me since Eissa was with Gil. Gil was upset and complaining that Darius or Randy had him all the time.

Darius and I have been enjoying our time together. He said he had something planned for us. I had no idea what he was gonna do. I made sure to take a shower in case he wanted to get freaky and threw on some shorts and a tank top. I heard my phone ringing, thinking it was him and not looking I answered plopping down on the couch.


"You stupid bitch who do you have my son around?"

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!?" Me realizing it was Wissam on the phone.

"You have my son around random people."

"I can't believe I'm even responding and entertaining this you asshole."

"You better tell me what's going on."

"Wissam, shut up! He's around the same people I'm always around. There is no one different. The people I'm with, I trust. They've been with me for years."

"Who the hell is Mr. Darius?!" My breath caught in my throat for a second.

I definitely wasn't telling him anything personal he could use against me. I didn't know Eissa spoke about Darius so much... I guess they have been spending a lot of time together. Gil told me they were, but I didn't believe him or just didn't pay attention.

"That is one of my employees. He's a dancer and choreographer."

"Eissa talks about him like he spends a lot time with him. He helps him with homework?! Where the hell are you?"

Wait...Darius did?! That was interesting. I don't even remember when Darius did that. That had me really thinking... When was this? I would have to ask Darius.

"I'm there with him Wissam."

"The hell you are! You've got strange men watching my son. Some Darius guy."

"It's the same guys it always is. You know them. And they are not watching him Wissam."

"I'm not going to tolerate this. I want him raised a certain way. You are not doing that. He's running around everywhere. He needs to be disciplined."

"We aren't married anymore. You can't do this. You don't control me. You don't control what's going on over here either."

"I can do whatever I want. There's nothing you can do about it."

"The hell you can! This is why I divorced your sorry ass. I knew this was going to happen."

"I will take you back to court to get custody of my son. You have him on the road all the time, he should be in a stable environment. You can't provide that."

"I'm not always on the road. It's only a few months. This is my career. You knew this. You are being unreasonable."

"Who knows what he's being exposed to."

"I would never endanger him or expose him to anything that would traumatize him. You know this."

"You are a horrible mother!!"

"You know what...fuck you! You take me back to court, I'll show all the proof that I have on you for all things you did to me when we were married."

"You have nothing on me."

"Oh you think so."

"You're talking shit like you always do.

"Try me Wissam. Stuff can be leaked to the media and best believe that I'm a lot more liked and loved then you are right now. Everyone knows who I am. No one knows you."

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