No Sleeep

754 19 4

Dario POV

"I'm surprised you came." I laughed as she stood in the hotel doorway.

"I see you were eagerly waiting for me."

"Yeah whatever. I thought you'd be scared. That's why I texted you."

"Naw not scared, but why you creepin at the door though?"

"I'm not. I heard the elevator. There's only three suites up here. I figured it was you since you said you were on your way."


"Come on in," she laughed. I leaned down kissing her softly, she returned the kiss pecking my lips several times. After a bit, she leaned back a little gazing at me softly. 

"I'm just not sure what you're expecting from me. I don't want to disappoint you." I whispered against her lips kissing her some more.

"We're just hanging out. Come on."

"Hanging out huh?


We made our way to the living room area. She only had a robe on and her natural hair was curly and down past her shoulders. She had no makeup on. As always she was absolutely breathtaking. I'm glad she didn't wear make-up when she was out and about or lounging at the hotel. I'm not sure if she had anything on under the robe.

"How'd I make it here before you?"

"I went to the bus first remember? Plus I went to my room and got situated and freshened up." I said taking off my jacket. Sitting across from her.

She looked at me. "Why you all the way over there?" I laughed.

"I don't know? You might do something to me I don't like," she laughed.

"Don't be silly. Come with me. Let's watch a movie and cuddle."

"Oh...ok. I'm down for that."

"Do you want anything to drink? Or eat?"

"Just you." I mumbled under my breath thinking she didn't hear me.

She looked at me and blushed looking away. 

"Come on." She grabbed my hand leading me into the bedroom.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Whatever. What's playing right now?"

"Let me see. Do you want to watch a comedy, romance, or scary movie?"

"You can do a comedy. That'll be fine."

She put on a movie. I took off my shirt, joggers, shoes, and socks leaving me with my t-shirt and boxers still on. She laid back in the bed getting under the covers. I climbed in and moved up to her. As soon as I laid down was under the blanket with her, she was all on me snuggling into me. I wrapped my arm around her. This was nice. It still surprised me that we haven't had sex yet and we could have this level of intimacy. It was strangely satisfying. Plus I didn't want her to think that's all I wanted from her. I told her that's not all I wanted. We've had some major...major make out moments, but that was it. Thinking about it now I could feel myself getting hard. Shit! It should be okay she's wasn't up on me like that. 

"You smell good." She said quietly placing her face in my neck.

"Thanks I took a shower before I came over here."

"You're such a goof!" she exclaimed leaning back. 

"Yeah I know. You smell amazing too by the way." She smiled looking up at me. She laid on my chest cuddling up to me some more.

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