Weakness Around Him

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Dario POV

A few weeks had passed at this point and we were back on the road again. All the shows we did were on point. Everyone was loungin' and acting dumb as usual on the bus. Janet and I were havin a lot of fun messin around. Every chance we got we were having sex. There wasn't a time where she wasn't on my dick. We couldn't keep our hands off each other.

Some were even commenting on how happy she was lately. Guero or Gil would just look at me and smirk. I just would look away like I didn't know what was going on. If it was in the dressing room, shower, or hotel room, we were gettin it in. If we had a free moment, she was riding my dick or I was hitting it from the back. Or she would have my dick in her mouth or I was sucking her pussy. Like I said we definitely were addicted to each other.

Eissa came out the lounge area looking sad.

"Hey little man! What you doing out here?" I asked him. I looked and didn't see Janet with him.

"My mommy is sleeping."

"Oh ok."

"I'm bored. I don't have anyone to play with."

"Come on and hang out with us."

Eissa came to the front of the bus in the lounge area. Everyone was relaxing on the couches. We were currently headed to the next city, New Orleans.

"Hey Eissa!" exclaimed Denzel dapping him up.

"Hi Denzy! Hi Guero!"

"Why are you out here?"

"I'm bored. And my mommy is sleeping."

"Oh, ok come on man."

"Can you guys play Uno?"

"Uno? I'm the best at it." I said.

"I bet you can't beat me. I play with my mom and I always win. She's not that good."

"Hmm I guess we'll have to see who's a better Uno player then. Go get the cards and we'll play some."

He ran to get the cards. We ended up playing for a bit. He was actually really good. We got him a healthy snack. Janet must have been exhausted cause she still wasn't awake.

"Do you have any homework?"

"I don't understand it."

"Go get it and I'll see if I can help you."

"Okay thank you!" He ran off. I ended up helping him for a bit. I think I had explained everything where he understood. I then got him some lunch. I knew Janet was very picky about what he ate, but I was able to find stuff she had bought already in the fridge.

Janet must have been extremely tired cause Eissa was with us for a few hours. I went and checked on her while he ate. Looking in I could see that she was laying under her blanket on her stomach. I could see she was really out of it. Her long, curly hair was everywhere. She looked peaceful. I leaned and kissed her cheek. She smiled and sighed in her sleep. She was so beautiful. I wondered what she was dreaming about. She finally emerged from her room hours later calling Eissa to her.

Janet POV

"Hey baby boy. What are you doing?"

"Just hanging out with my friends."

"Let me get you something to eat."

"I already ate mommy."

"You did?"

"Yeah my friend took care of me."

"Really, who?"

"Mr. Darius mommy."

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