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Janet POV

The first show was wonderful! I love my Janfam. Everyone was on point. The guys did so well. All that practice was definitely acknowledged and recognized. Darius was too cute with how he got all spooked. I wouldn't admit it to him, but I was too. I always get a little nervous before a performance. I was nervous because it's been a few years, but all was well.

That boy is so fine. So I of course put a little extra on him during the performance. I'm sure he noticed. I could feel him getting hard. I'm such a tease I thought laughing to myself.

After the performance, everyone cleaned up and just settled and took it all in. They were still riding high. I was in my room on the bus lying down as we drove to the next city. I was so exhausted, but had so much on my mind. I had thoughts of the tour, my son, his asshole father, and now Darius. Thinking about this problem we both created...okay maybe I created. How would I deal with it? I knew he wanted me. Did I want him like that? Yeah...I did.

The more time we spent together I knew he was special. I found myself thinking about him more and more when I had a free moment. It was always thoughts of him on mind. I couldn't explain it. I just finally accepted that I had a crush on him and I was beginning to wonder if it was possibly more to it and did he feel the same. 

Dario POV

Back on the road

Riding on the bus was the best time ever. We even had extra bunks for all of our crap cause we had that much room. It was really just us four dancers, Gil, Dean, Preston, Cassidy, and Janet. The musicians and some of the production team wanted their own bus so they could get things done if needed without disturbing everyone else. We didn't want to hear all that anyway. They were always coming up with some idea and wanting to change things and bring out a guitar or some instrument. With it not being that many of us, it made it easier to spread out.

 With it not being that many of us, it made it easier to spread out

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Janet ended up having her own room in the back of the bus. Janet would hang out with us on a regular if she wasn't busy with her son when she had him. But even Eissa liked hanging out with us and sleeping in the bunks near us. He was cute and always running around.

We were always joking and ragging on each other. You'd think we all have known each other for years. We were always pranking each other and just hanging out. You did not want to get caught sleep. Even Janet would be in on the shenanigans. It was like a big happy family for me. We were having an excellent time together. We've met the most amazing people along the way.

We traveled the Southern states. So far we had been to Miami, Raleigh, Austin, Charleston, Dallas, Houston, Charlotte, and a slew of other cities. Those shows were incredible. Janet was as usual gorgeous. She vibed so well with the crowd. She was just an awesome talent. Everyone was loving the intimacy of how the concert was set up as she would usually have a big production.

We all got into a good grind and rhythm. The crew just fit well together with no drama. During that time I got to spend a lot more time with Janet and got to know her better. We flirted a lot when we were together. I was attracted to her and I know she was attracted to me. Sometimes there would be a coy smile or caress of a hand or quick embrace. Nothing ever went beyond that. We never acted on that attraction. Oh...except when we were on stage and she would grind on me.  Or my hands are on her breasts for a song. To everyone it was a performance, but for me it was more than that.

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