I Don't Share

586 17 3

Janet POV

Gil of course told me I was being stupid. He of course was right. I liked being with Darius, but then I felt like he was too close at certain times. I still liked my space. I wasn't sure what I wanted. I didn't understand why I couldn't get myself together around him. I just couldn't think straight around him. I couldn't explain the hold he had over me so quickly.

Darius and I were currently in my dressing room hanging out for a bit. We would be leaving soon to go the next city. I was sitting in my robe with only a bra and a thong underneath. I was currently taking the extensions Cassidy had put in out of my hair, leaving it down. It felt so much better once I had everything out that I couldn't stop running my fingers through my hair and massaging my scalp. I sighed in relief. It was now 2-3 inches passed my shoulders and getting longer. I then grabbed some wipes and started taking off my makeup. My plan was to take a shower before we got on the bus. I was exhausted, stressed, and needed to relax. Darius was sitting on the couch quietly observing me. We'd catch each other's eye from time to time. I wondered what he was thinking. After speaking to Gil, I was more flirtatious with Darius on stage. He was somewhat receptive to it. He's been really quiet though since this morning.

"What did you do after the show?" he finally asked me.

"I did a meet and greet with some fans. Went over logistics for the next concert. The usual stuff."

"Where's Eissa? When am I going to be able to hang out with him?"

"Soon if you want. He's with Latoya and Rebbie helping with my mom."

"Is she okay?" he asked concerned his eyebrows furrowing.

"She's fine just older. You know she is 92 years old so every year is a blessing with her. I'm sure you've heard we're all pretty close as a family especially after Joseph passed away."

"Wow! That's amazing. Who does she stay with? Like who takes care of her?"

"Maureen is the main person and the rest of us help whenever needed. Whether it be financial or just to give a hand."


"Oh that's Rebbie's real name."

"Oh ok. Well that's great you all come together."

"Yeah. So what did you do?" I asked as I continued to use wipes to get everything off making sure to pay attention to my neck. My skin already felt better.

"Oh just hung out with the guys. They were talking the same mess. You know talking about hangin' out at clubs and stuff. They were also talking about plans for this summer and fall. Dance classes, other concerts, and whatnot."

I finished taking off my makeup. I sat there and looked at him through the mirror pausing before proceeding with what I wanted to say next. He looked at me like he knew I was going to say something bad. I turned towards him in my chair.

"What is it?" He squinted his eyes at me.

"So you know we perform in Atlanta in a couple days."

"Yeah I know."

"Well Jermaine will be performing on stage with us. And knowing him he will want to hang out afterwards."

"Okay and...?"

"You know we used to date right?"

"Yeah I know that already. Do I need to be worried?"

"No, you don't."

"I'm fine as long as your are."

"Yeah I'm fine. Jermaine and I still keep in touch and talk some. He is one of my really good friends despite how our relationship ended."

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