Is it Worth It?

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Dario POV

"Hey D."

"Hey what's up?"

I looked up and saw Gil. We had just finished rehearsal with Janet. She quickly left afterwards. I'm sure she didn't want to be around me with how I was being towards her and treating her. Gil waited until we were completely by ourselves before he started talking again.

"I should ask you that."

"What you mean?"

"I just haven't seen you all on Janet. And I know she's been sad lately."

"I'm sure she's already told you what's up. So why you asking me? You her best friend I know she tell you everything."

"Yeah she told me a little. I wanted to hear your side."

"Look she won't even tell me what's going on with her. She just pulled back with no explanation. At this point it's not worth it to me."

"Dang fo' real?" He asked taken aback. He really couldn't believe what I was saying to him.

"It's like she never gave us a chance. I can only do so much. I told her that I just want her. I don't care about all that other stuff. She won't even open up to me. I can't keep going back and forth with her. I don't think she really wanted us to last."

"Wow D! You've tried talking to her." He was really shocked by what I was saying.

"Several times over these past couple months. This is nothing new with us. We've been back and forth for a while. What else can I do?" I then murmured to myself. "I really thought we were good for the past two months. Then she just flipped on me. "

"I mean....I don't even know what to say. You just gonna give up?"

"How I know she gonna hold me down when I need her."

"She will. And she is that type of person. She will go hard for those that mean the most to her."

"I don't know if that applies to me. Yeah she said she cared for me. But I truly don't know that. She be flippin too much."

"D man..."

"Gil you have know idea how much that woman means to me."

"Oh I know. I can tell."

"I don't want to keep fighting for something that's...look she clearly doesn't want this to work. I don't want to waste my time or hers at this point."

"Some things are worth fighting for though Dario."

"Yeah I guess, but I don't know if that relates to this situation."

"D...I do have a question?"


"Do you love her?"


"Do you?"

"Gil like real talk...I love her with everything in me. I love her with my entire soul. I'm in love with that woman. I would do anything for her. And her son. I really love that kid. I can't even believe the way I feel about her and him in this short amount of time. With her, she should know that by the way...look I can't even get into it right now. I can only do so much. She has to convince herself."

Gil smiled at me.

"What man? What? Why you keep lookin at me like that?" I asked exasperated.

"You need to tell her."

"I can't man. She not tryna hear all of that."

"Listen she's been through a lot. There's a lot going on that I can't even go into and it's not my place to tell. She needs to. She's gone through a lot in her past relationships."

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