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Dario POV

We were currently sitting on my bed in the hotel room. I'm not sure what happened to how or why we got here. One minute we were good then we were arguing. It seemed like we weren't on the same page lately and arguing more and more. I felt like she was purposely pushing me away again. I told her I wanted to sit and have a conversation with her.

It was just confusing all the back and forth. At this point it had been a couple weeks since she was acting strange. After that one night things weren't the same. She kept pushing me away. We also were barely having sex. I didn't know if she was messin around with someone else or she just didn't want to be with me anymore. I just really didn't know what to think.

She told me she'd be mine. I asked her and she said she'd be my girlfriend. Then she'd do the opposite and act like she wasn't. Next she'd want to be up on me and under me and then push me away. She would be back and forth in defining us and our relationship. I felt like she was going back to old stuff that we had already cleared up and had settled.

"Janet I'm just trying to understand."

"Let's not make it that serious. We're spending time together and hanging out. Let's continue to get to know each other more."

"See you can't keep saying that when it's more. You know that it's more than us "hanging out". That hanging out is bullshit and you know it. And you do make it serious. What was the point of me asking you to be my girlfriend?"

"I didn't tell you to ask me. That was you."

"Wow that's messed up. If you didn't want to, why did you say yes?"

She didn't say anything.

"If you felt pressured, you should've said no. I would have not been upset."

She gave me a doubtful look.

"Ok maybe I would've been a little upset, but I'd wait a lifetime for you J." I don't think she realizes that she was it for me. There'd be no one else.

She looked like she was gonna cry after I said that. I caressed her cheek as she closed her eyes briefly.

"You think that you know me, but you don't really know me. You are getting yourself involved in so much right now that have no idea."

"Well tell me then so I can understand. Why can't you just tell me. If it's that bad let me be there for you and be that support you need. And I do know you."

"No you don't."

"Well if I don't that's your fault."

"How is it my fault?!"

"I'm only going by what you put out and confide in me." He paused. "What have we been doing this whole time then? All the talking and quality time together. What was even the point?"

"Look we are just having fun. Why can't you let things be? Why must you push it?"

"Let things be? I don't date just to be dating. That's not how I am. That's not who I am. You know this."

"Why are you rushing this?"

"I'm not rushin. I would've waited longer before we had sex if you wanted. I just want understanding."

"Darius can we do this another time?" she placed her hands on her head.

"We should talk now and figure this out."

She just looked at me. "I don't know what you want from me."

"I just want you. You act like we're exclusive and don't say that you don't. You had a fit when Maritza called me several times. You were ready to kill her and me thinking something was going on. I told you it wasn't even serious."

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