New Orleans

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Dario POV

Rebbie and Latoya came and got Eissa. I didn't realize they were flying down. They of course knew about me and Jan at this point. She had told them recently. We were slowly letting our very close friends and family know. Eissa actually cried when he had to leave me. I looked at Janet and even she was very surprised looking at him then me. I bent down and hugged him tight. I was not expecting that.

"I love you. You know that, right?" I whispered so no one would hear, but him. He nodded his head.

"I'll see you soon okay buddy? Don't be sad. We'll hang out when you get back. I promise." I pulled back from him.

He nodded his head again sniffling. "You promise?"

"Yes and I keep my promises." He smiled at me. This kid was awesome. He just needed someone that was gonna keep their word and spend time with him.

We did our secret handshake, I ruffled his hair, and stepped back while Janet talked to him. She hugged him tight and kissed him on the cheek. After he was gone, she looked at me.

"What?" I asked.


I squinted my eyes at her.

"What is it J?"

"What did you tell him? And when did you guys get a handshake?"

"I told him that I'd miss him. And when you not around."

"Hmm okay..."

"Come on let's go have fun. I got a bunch of stuff planned for us." I grabbed her hand leading her back to the car. She smiled at me.


The whole scene in New Orleans was crazy. From the music to the food to the vibe, it was just that dope. I'm glad we had a few days here to chill and enjoy the scenery. Everyone just partied all day and night.

Janet told me she loved coming here and I could see why. We visited a lot of the sites. She and I even got some alone time and walked around Louis Armstrong Park. We talked and walked. We just spent time together, just us. It wasn't crowded or anything probably because everyone was on Bourbon Street and it was early in the morning. I'm sure people were hung over from the night before. These were the moments with her that I loved and lived for. She was low key with her outfit and put a hat low on her head, her hair in a ponytail. No one seemed to recognize her. There was no paparazzi or anything.

She went to hold my hand while we were walking. I couldn't believe she actually held my hand without me initiating it. I laced my fingers through hers. Joey wasn't far behind just in case we needed him. But it wasn't even needed. We weren't bothered at all. I found a stand that had small snacks. We found a bench to sit and eat. She turned towards me smiling.

"What baby?" I asked.

"Nothing I'm just having a good time with you that's all."

"Me too babe." I leaned over kissing her lightly on the lips. Her eyes sparkled when she looked at me smiling.

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