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January 2012

They were still enjoying the bliss of the new pregnancy, although not exactly new as Amelia had just entered her twentieth week, and the bump -surprising Amelia more than anyone else- seemed to grow more by the day, like a gas balloon or something, and now she was terrified of how big she was going to get by the end of her pregnancy, specially with it being close to the summer and the UK's delightful heatwaves. 

The Duchess had engagements on her schedule for the end of January until the middle of May, when she was too far along and the baby would be able to to pop and say 'hello' at any minute. That didn't bother her that much, she liked working, she loved her position as a history teacher before she married George, and honestly if she could she would still be teaching even now, although she wasn't sure how she would be able to manage her time accordingly.

But for now, and until the middle of January, the Duke and Duchess, were enjoying and prolonging their last holiday in Norfolk as a couple, before they welcomed their first child into their small but incredibly happy family. They still had much to do, of course, until baby was born, but the Queen, who stayed in Sandringham until the beginning of February, asked to see them, an informal meeting, a tea, between grandmother and grandchildren, without the Prince of Wales, to George's surprise, as his father always seemed to be invited to these meetings.

When they arrived at the House, as they had been staying since the New Year at Wood Farm nearby, they noticed the House was almost empty, with many of the other family members having already left by this time of the year, either to London or to go to another holiday, and they were simply received by the Queen's equerry and taken straight to her, who was waiting for them already with tea and alone in the sitting room. 

As they sat on the sofa, with the Queen and George's grandmother in front of them on the other sofa, Amelia couldn't help but notice how much more relaxed she was now than she had been just a few weeks ago, when she was in a very similar position announcing her pregnancy to her grandmother-in-law and father-in-law -who although received the news the best way possible and adored Amelia as a person- were very intimidating people still for her. 

George, on the other hand, seemed more nervous now than he had been in December, cleaning the palm of his hands on his dark brown cotton trousers, which made Amelia smile and cover her mouth as she tried to stop a laugh from coming out, which failed almost miserably when a small giggle was heard, which made her grandmother-in-law smile. Tea was served, along with biscuits, which Amelia was ever so grateful as she seemed even more hungry now as she entered her second trimester.

"I've asked you here for tea because, firstly, I wanted to see you. Ask how you've been feeling?"

Amelia smiles and places her hand on her bump, an instinct but something she felt very proud of not being able to control. 

"Very well. Baby is apparently the size of a banana. My doctor said I should be able to start feeling baby move and kick soon, although nothing as of yet."

"Any sickness still?"

"Some, mostly in the morning but it goes away with time." Amelia said, an awkward smile as she thought of earlier that morning, when the sun was barely up and George was holding her hair up while she left everything she had eaten the night before inside her toilet.

"It does indeed. However, if you feel you need to see a doctor I can call the Royal doctor."

The Duchess thanks her grandmother-in-law, but there was really not need or use, there was nothing more the royal doctor could do than her own doctor had already done, morning sickness was something that had to go away with time and patience, and as she was now twenty weeks she hoped it would start happening from now on. 

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