Tests and Expectations

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Amelia was once again standing in the middle of their kitchen, looking at the only piece left of the chocolate cake she had made not even two days ago. She didn't understand what was happening with her body. The last thing she would have eaten was chocolate cake, and she knew her nutritionist would kill her if she found out Amelia had eaten a ten-slice chocolate cake alone, in less than two days.

The week before she had to cancel six engagements because she couldn't keep anything on her stomach, but when she did a pregnancy test it came back negative, which made her heart hurt a little bit, and a few cold symptoms started arriving she ruled out a false negative, and just decided she was being too hopeful after such a short period of time.

She couldn't stop eating the bloody cake, and not even an hour later she would either be sick or tired like she had just run a marathon. But this was new, she was looking at the cake, and just the smell, a smell she couldn't resist two days before, made her feel nauseous.

"Is everything okay, Mel?"

"What? Oh yes, everything is fine." Amelia said, looking to her cousin instead of the desert.

"Really? You look... Pale. Should I call George?"

"I'm fine, Bel, really. But I do need to get ready. Dr. Martin wants to see me today."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes, it's just a check-up, don't worry."

She left the kitchen almost running, her cousin didn't understand what was happening but decided not to comment anything to the Duke, even more so because she was already leaving late for another appointment. And before Amelia could get ready she met her toilet once again, trying to be as silent as possible so that no one would hear.

A quick outfit change and a little make-up and she left with her PPOs to King Edward VII's Hospital, where Dr. Martin worked most of the time. And like most other royals that had to visit the hospital during private hours, she entered through a side entrance, which made her arrival only known to her doctor, a few nurses, the hospital security, and her own team.

Dr. Martin was already waiting for her outside the lift when it's doors opened so that she could be escorted to the office without interference, and if someone was really paying attention the only thing they would find strange was the people in all black and the high number of hospital security officials throughout the hospital.

"So how is everything? I presume you've started trying."

"Yes we did, a month after the results came in, as you advised. But maybe something is wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I've been sick lately, couldn't stand tea, which is something I've been drinking in the morning since I was a child. And I couldn't bear to be touched by George, which made him very upset."

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

"Yes, I took one last week. But it came back negative."

"Let's take another one, and if needed we can do an ultrasound."

Amelia left the office to the bathroom on the same corridor with a pregnancy test on hand. She was shaking, she was cold and worried, something that surprised even herself.

She did what she had to do and went back to Dr. Martin's office, who asked to sit down while they waited the five minutes necessary; five minutes that seemed like an eternity to Amelia. What if she was pregnant? How would she tell George? How would she tell everyone? Questions were flooding Amelia's mind when Dr. Martin slid the plastic stick on the table, in her direction.

The old lady had a smile on her face, and when Amelia saw the small lines on the test she felt she was going to cry. Positive. She was having a baby.

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