Missed You

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The last months of 2015 once again went by fast, something that was becoming normality for the Clarences. Victoria had her end of term presentation for her Nursery and Ballet schools, while the Duke and Duchess attended more and more engagements and charities events, with their last big public one being the Royal Variety Performance, their third since their wedding. And after attending the diplomatic reception and a few last meetings they made their way north, where most of the family was already together, waiting for the Christmas celebrations.

For the first time since their relationship became public back in 2002, the Queen had extended the invitation to Amelia's parents, after Prince Charles expressed his desire for his two grandchildren to be able to spend Christmas with all of their grandparents and step-grandmother. The Queen agreed and Mr. and Mrs. Saunders would be staying with the family of four at Anmer Hall.

When the family arrived back in their country home one of the first things they did, after the children had their afternoon naps, was walk through the estate, while George helped Victoria with her bicycle. Dorothy and Paul loved to spend time with their daughter and her family at their country home since the younger couple was always more relaxed than when they visited them at Kensington Palace.

"Be careful George! Don't let her out of your sight!" Amelia screamed to her husband before turning back and making her way to their home, after baby James announced he was hungry.

Paul decided to stay behind with his son-in-law and spend time helping him take care of the three-year-old who sometimes had too much energy, while Dorothy accompanied her daughter and grandson back inside the house.

The 18th century home was still lacking any Christmas decorations, but the fireplace was on and Mrs. Saunders' hot cocoa was cosy, reminiscent of the Duchess' early Christmasses.

"I shouldn't drink it... But I can't stop myself." Amelia says, taking another sip of her drink after James finished his meal.

"An occasional drink won't make much difference, I can attest to that."

"Do you think Dominik minded you and dad spending Christmas here?"

"No, and he should not." The Duchess' mother's voice came out firm, while she holded her grandson close to her. "He knew that we would want to spend Christmas with you and George, and the children. I love my son, and he will always be my son, but he knew that one day even we would need a little break from spending Christmas with him."

"Maybe next year we can invite him to come, and then we can all spend Christmas together. I don't know if Elizabeth would extend the invitation, and of course, I don't know if he would want to."

"We can talk with him, another time, maybe he will make an exception for his niece and nephew." James babbled something towards his grandmother, who smiled and cleaned his cheeks. "When will you be giving me another one?"

"Excuse me?" Amelia asks, laughing.

"Don't think I don't know that your husband wants more children, Amelia. You can clearly see every time he looks at Victoria and James."

"Your son-in-law said that he wants ten children, mum, it is obvious he is going to have that look."

"Then give it to him."

"Pardon me? Mum, I love being pregnant but I want to give attention to all my children. Imagine if we had ten? It would be chaos!"

"Well, I want more grandchildren," Dorothy says, playing with her grandson's hand. "Why don't you and my son-in-law go out for a date tonight? Paul and I will take care of the children, and you two can spend a few hours together, alone."

"Mum..." She looked down at her mug, one of her and George's engagement photos on the very centre of the white mug, with their names and the date of their wedding on the bottom. A gag gift given to her by Prince William on her first Christmas with the Royal Family, and also one of her favourites.

It had been a couple of months since their last date. The Variety Performance was the closest to one, but when they got home Victoria was ill and they had to call her paediatrician, so any intentions either of them had before that died the second they saw their daughter.

"I guess it would be nice to have a few hours to ourselves."

"Great! I will call Paul and George back, so you two can talk and this little one needs a nappy change."

Amelia was rushed up to the first floor, where her mother kindly asked her to start getting ready since it was already close to six. The Duchess' father brought the Duke a few minutes later, after being explained the plan by his wife.

"Why did your father say for me to get ready?"

"Because we are having a date night, arranged by my mother."

"And why am I the last one to know about this?" The Duke asked, amused by his wife and her family.

"I honestly think she had been plotting this since we arrived." She puts her arms around her husbands waist, looking up at him with her chin resting on his chest. "But I think it will be nice to have a few hours just the two of us."

"I can't say I am angry about it."

After the couple got ready and said goodnight to their children, they were accompanied to their car by Amelia's parents.

"I already made reservations on this address and, if needed, I also made reservations on this hotel if you think it is too late to come back."


"Now, George, take care of my daughter, I want her safe and well here tomorrow morning."

The Duke smiles, with his hand on his wife's waist, while his wife tries to decide if it was embarrassing or funny how her parents still treated her like a teenager going on her first dates.

After the Duke starts the car and Paul goes back inside Dorothy hugs her daughter one last time and whispers in her ear.

"I expect a new grandchild in nine months, Millie. Love you."

- - -

"Good morning, Bee." George murmurs, with his eyes still closed, while his wife admired his beautiful face.

"Good morning, Georgie."

"Please remind me to thank your mother for thinking of all this." He said, opening his eyes and kissing his wife. "I missed having you all to myself."

"I missed you too, sweetheart." 

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