Chapter 1- Nuclear Family

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                                                         TW: Death of a Family

Another family that was the message Ryan had received that morning when he woke up. Another family fell victim to the nuclear stalker as the beloved Media had labeled him. After that message came through Ryan immediately called Quantico saying they needed more agents in Baltimore to help catch this son of a bitch. 

Having been in charge of the Baltimore FBI field office for the last three years he had seen a lot of heinous and complicated crimes but he hadn't seen nearly as anything as perplexing than this guy. Ryan had worked on cases like this family annilator before even worse cases than this but he knew he was out of his league with this and that he needed to call in reinforcements.

After kissing his son and daughter goodbye and leaving them in the care of his brother he walked to his car but could not put his keys in the ignition before hearing his phone ring. "Christensen." Ryan answered, " Agent Christensen, this is Agent Hotchner, Unit Chief of the BAU. I wanted to call you personally to tell you I'm gathering my team to come to Baltimore today to help out with the case. " Hotch explained. 

"Well thank you Agent Hotchner, three families in less than two weeks, we need every agent available I'm heading to the office first but then I'm heading over to the house of the family just targeted I'll meet you there"Ryan responded. "Understood" , after the call ended, Ryan started the car and drove, knowing this was gonna be a very long day, if not a long week. 

Meanwhile, in Quantico, the team of profilers assembled in the round table room. They were all tired, having just gotten back from a case in Montana, a bad one. They had just gotten off the jet and came back to the office when Hotch told them they had another case they were needed on, It took all the team had not to collectively grown at this new development. All they could hope for was that this new case wasn't that far of a trip.

 Prentiss sat next to Morgan, Spencer to his left, Rossi next to him, Garcia sat in front of the screen while Hotch sat to her right while JJ stood to begin the briefing. "Over the last two weeks, three families of six have been the victim of home invasions in Baltimore, Maryland. The Jackson's were The first, then The Wilson's, and this morning The Maguire's. The parents are both beaten and stabbed to death while the oldest child is strangled, and the second oldest is suffocated." JJ explained, as the photos of the crimes appeared on the screen, immediately everyone noticed the severity of the crime both parents of the first two families brutally assaulted and two oldest kids killed albeit in different ways. 

"God those poor children." Garcia let out, Morgan looked down at his file and then asked, "A family of six, so what about the two youngest children?" Nobody wanted to think about how they might've died, but this was their job. "That's where this kinda takes a weird turn. The two youngest children are left alive." JJ responded. 

To say they were shocked would be an understatement, "Left alive intentionally?" Prentiss asked, " Yes, he kills the rest of the family while the youngest children are locked in the closet." JJ responded. "That's a big risk leaving two witnesses who could identify him." Rossi spoke up just as flabbergasted as the rest of them. Hotch spoke up this time, "Not exactly according to each of the youngest children from the first two families it was too dark for them to see his face." Derek hummed. "Did any of the attacks happen in a blackout?" asked. "No." JJ responded, "So he cuts the power then." Prentiss concluded. 

Spencer looked up after studying the file, "You know usually family annihilators don't leave any members of the family they target alive. I mean, the whole reason why they're called annihilators is because they wipe out the whole family. Usually, if a member survives, it's unintentional." He explained. "But this guy not only intentionally leaves them alive it looks like he doesn't even touch them." Prentiss added on 

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