Chapter 22- Beatings and Recovery

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Continuation of 4x03 "Minimal Loss" 

Trigger Warnings: Talks of Pedophilia, Child Marriage, Statutory Rape, Polygamy, One instance of fear of a mass suicide (Though nothing happens) and one instance of Assault and battery. This whole chapter's a trigger warning.

It was now the next morning and Ryan had not gotten any sleep except for a few moments where he rested his eyes and even then could not fall asleep. He was on the phone talking to Joshua. "Do you have any Idea if she's okay?" Joshua asked about Emily. Ryan told him and Kelli both about the situation. 

Ryan shook his head, "No, we've had very little contact inside the Sept. Their leader called us and confirmed one of the social workers was dead. But it wasn't Emily." Ryan explained. "Okay well hopefully she's all right and you'll get her out soon." Josh said. Ryan just nodded. He heard quiet talking before Joshua spoke again. "Here, Kelli wants to talk to you." 

Ryan heard his Mother-in-Law's voice on the phone, she was also looking after the kids till this situation was over. "Hey Ryan, we've now established how Emily might be doing. But how are you doing?" Kelli asked. Ryan sighed, "I don't know Kelli. I'll guess it'll just depend on how this whole thing turns out." He responded. 

Kelli nodded, "She's a survivor, she'll be alright." She said reassuringly. Ryan nodded "Thanks Kelli."He then heard little voices on the phone. "Hey do you have time to talk to the kids?" Kelli asked. Ryan for the first time in a while smiled. "Yeah, sure. Put them on." 

 Ryan heard Kelli tell them their dad was on the phone. Then he heard the precious little voices of Tyler and Emma. "Hey Daddy." They said simultaneously. "Hi. Hey little one's. How's your morning going going?" He listened as they regaled him with stories of their of what they've done with Grandma and Uncle Joshua last evening, their dreams, and what they were having for breakfast. 

"Nanna said that you were in Colorado for a work event?" Emma asked. Ryan sighed, "Yeah it was kinda of a last minute thing. But don't worry I'll be back as soon as I can." Ryan said reassuringly. "Is Emily with you?" Tyler asked. Ryan hesitated, "Yeah she is." Ryan told and immediately regretted it. "Can we talk with her?" 

Ryan sighed quietly, "Emily's a little busy right now Honey. But When things calm down and If I get a chance, I'll call you guys and you can talk to her then okay?" Ryan suggested. He wasn't just trying to give his children reassurance, he was giving himself something to hope for.

 "Okay. Can it be a video call?" Ryan nodded as he walked outside. "Yeah, okay" Ryan said in conformation. "how about you guys put grandma back on the phone and get ready for school." "Okay." They both said and said goodbye to their father. Kelli came back on.

"A work event?" Ryan asked. Kelli shrugged, "Well, I didn't know what to tell them. I assumed you didn't want me to tell them the whole story." Ryan sighed. "You're right and don't let them watch the news." "I won't." Ryan sighed before looking at his watch. Seeing it was almost time for Rossi to drive to the Sept. "I have to go now. We're about to do something." 

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. I'll keep Emily and Doctor Reid in my prayers." Kelli said. Ryan nodded and hung up. Ryan leaned against the wall of the command center and put his heads in his hands, after a few seconds he picked his head up and looked at the ranch.

Ryan went and sat down on a chair on the outside of the base. Morgan came over with a cup of coffee and handed it to Ryan. "Thanks." Ryan said gratefully. Morgan sat down next to him, also looking at the ranch now. "I talked to Tyler and Emma just now." Ryan said all of a sudden. Morgan looked at him, "Do they know anything?" He asked. 

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