Chapter 29-Cold cases and Complicated Family

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Based on 4x07 "Memoriam"

Trigger Warning: Talks of Pedophilia,  and Killing of a child .

To say Ryan and Emily we're in a grumpy mood would be an understatement. They both woke up with the biggest hangovers of their life. Their heads felt like something was banging on them. Right now, that thing was the sound of a coin slot that Morgan was trying to get money from. They were in the hotel lobby waiting for Spencer to arrive. Also, Ryan, who was still getting ready.

He pulled the lever, and it made sounds. "Come on, baby. Give it to me. Give it to me. See? Nuh-uh." Morgan exclaimed loudly. Emily, who was getting a cup of coffee, turned to him and patted on his shoulder . "Morgan, can you--please,can you--" She said, pointed at her head. "My head." 

Morgan looked at her and nodded. "My bad. Sorry." He said, looking back at the machine. "You know these things are rigged, right?" Morgan asked. Emily didn't respond as she went and said on the couch in the lobby. She signed as she sat down. 

Rossi, who was sitting on the couch, also, while looking at a newspaper, looked at her, "I'm guessing you and Ryan had a late night?" He asked. "I hate Vegas." She responded. "Come on, Prentiss. How can you hate Vegas?" Morgan asked. "This is a grown folks playground." They all heard another groan and looked to see Ryan walking towards them in a beige shirt and khaki pants. He was also wearing sunglasses and had a big cup of coffee in his hands.

 "Well, good morning, sunshine." Morgan said with a smirk. "Stuff it." Ryan responded. He went and sat on a chair next to the spot Morgan was standing. "Emily, I love you and all, but don't ever take me out drinking again." Ryan stated. Emily looked at him through her hand, which she was holding on her head. 

 "Hey pal, It's not like I'm having a picnic over here." Emily stated, annoyed. "So tell me. Did the night end with a bang." Morgan asked. Of course, he would ask that. Ryan thought. He promptly reached up and gave Morgan a head slap. "Ow. Damn man." Morgan exclaimed while rubbing his head. "Morgan, I swear to all that is holy. If you make another dirty joke, I will throw up all over you." Ryan warned. "Do you hear me?" He asked quietly. Morgan held up his hands in surrender.

 "So where exactly did you two go last night?" Rossi asked. Both Prentiss and Ryan thought. "I know we went to that place across the street." Ryan said. Emily nodded, " Yeah, and then we went to a club. I had some shots... I can't remember anything after that. " She said. Ryan nodded, "Neither can I." He stated while putting his head down. 

JJ then came over, "Anyone seen Reid?" She asked. "I know he stayed with his mom last night." Morgan informed. "Well, he should be here by now. He knows the departure time." JJ said. She then looked at the coin slot. "That thing still has credit on it." She said, looking to tap it. " JJ, I swear to god. " Emily said. "Oh lord, make it stop." Ryan said at the same time.

 JJ gave them a weird look. "What?" She asked. Rossi pointed to Emily and Ryan and made drinking and grumpy faces to fill her in. Both JJ and Morgan giggled. Reid then arrived, Morgan spotted him first. "Oh, here he comes right now." He announced. "What'd you do? Sleep through your alarm?" Morgan asked as Reid ran over to them. 

 "Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I--" Reid started to say before JJ interrupted. "Hotch is already at the airstrip. How fast can you pack?" She informed and asked. "Actually, I'm gonna stay for a couple of days." He informed , as they all gathered around him. "Is everything all right?" Rossi asked. 

 "Yeah, I just um-- I haven't seen my mom for a really long time, so I'd like a few more days." Reid said. Morgan shared looks with Ryan and JJ. None of them were buying his explanation. "You sure?" Rossi asked. "Yeah."  Reid responded. "Okay, take a few days. Do what you need to do." Rossi said.

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