Chapter 31-Confession's and Taunting

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Based on 4x08 "Masterpiece"

Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping, Stalking, threats to children, and mentions of use of acid

If anybody had thought that after a few weeks, Ryan and Emily would finally have a talk about what happened while they were in Vegas, you'd be wrong. Instead, they had both gone on pretending like it had never happened. The good news was that the whole thing had not led to things being awkward between them. They still had their playful banter, and Emily still hung out with Tyler and Emma. Ryan and Emily both would probably say not talking about it is working for them. 

It was a slow day at the office. Ryan always did hate paperwork. Rossi and Reid were giving a lecture at a local college. Ryan and Morgan were sitting at their desks as Emily came back from getting coffee. "White chocolate mocha as ordered." Emily said. She handed Ryan the cup. "Thank you." 

She then handed Morgan his cup. "Sometimes, I think paper work days only exist to torture us." Morgan complained. "Tell me about it." Ryan agreed. "Oh, come on, guys, look at the plus side." Emily said, trying to cheer them up. "What plus side, Prentiss?" Morgan asked. 

"Well, if we get everything done. We can leave early." Emily pointed out. Ryan hummed, "It would be nice to get out of here, and go home and relax." He said. "Or go somewhere." Emily said. Ryan chuckled, "Like where?" He asked. "Like...the park." She suggested. Ryan paused in his typing. There's only one reason why she would mention the park. Ryan thought. 

He turned his seat to face her face. He narrowed his eyes, "Emily, what did you do?" He asked. Emily chuckled a little nervously, "I might've...promised Emma we would go to park after work." She informed. Ryan sighed heavily, "Emily, you can't keep making promises like that!" He said. "What? She's a baby." Emily stated. "I can't help it when she gives me those puppy dog eyes." She said.

 Morgan chuckled but stopped when Ryan turned his eyes towards him. Ryan turned back to Emily, "She's a toddler, and you keep spoiling her Em." He said. "Tyler also." He added. Don't get it wrong, Ryan loves how much Emily dotes on Tyler and Emma. But he also doesn't want them to grow up thinking she'll give them whatever they want. "Say one day, Emma or Tyler, come to me and ask for something. I say no, but then they go behind my back and go to you. "Miss yes to anything." Ryan said, gesturing to Emily, "Ask for that thing, and you say yes. What am I supposed to do then?" He asked. 

Emily fixed him with a look. "First of all, I would ask if they asked you about it. Then I would ask what you said about it. I wouldn't just say yes to it." She said. Ryan had a skeptical look on his face. "Even if they gave you the puppy dog eyes?" He questioned. Emily didn't say anything for a moment, "Yes." She finally said, albeit quietly. 

"You hesitated." Ryan pointed out. "NO. No, I didn't." Emily tried. "Yes, you did." Ryan rebutted. "You definitely did." Morgan commented. Emily turned her eyes to him, and he held up his hands in defense. Emily turned back to Ryan, "Okay, Ryan. Point taken, I will try and not say yes to everything." She said. Ryan nodded, "That's all I ask." He said before turning back to his paperwork. 

Morgan shook his head, "You know, you two aren't even together yet, and you already act like a married couple." He commented, getting up from his desk. Ryan and Emily watched him go and looked at each other before turning back to their work. Neither one is saying anything. 

Later, Ryan was walking in the hallway when he heard Agent Todd's slightly irritated voice. "Well, from now on, Supervisory Special Agent Morgan, if I need your help, I'll ask." She said. Ryan stood outside the room as he heard Morgan respond, "You're welcome, Agent Todd." He then walked out and was met by Ryan. 

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