Chapter 12-Off To Miami

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This Will be based on 3x17 "In Heat" 

Ryan would be the first person to tell you that being parents to two toddlers isn't easy. Don't get him wrong he loves Tyler and Emma over everything, but they can be tiring. Which is exactly what Ryan felt when he walked into the BAU.

Ryan got off the elevator and walked to his desk and of course Prentiss was the first to notice him. "Hey, good morning Ryan." She said in a chipper voice. She  had not totally forgiven him for putting his life at risk along with Reid but she wasn't being openly mad at him, she felt that he had enough of that from Hotch. 

 "Morning." He said though it was more of a grumble. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Morgan commented, Ryan gave him a look "More like the middle of the bed, since Tyler and Emma slept in the bed with me last night." He responded as he sat down and gave out a tired sigh.

 "Tyler and Emma we're clingy last night huh?" Emily asked, Ryan nodded "For the past two days." Emily thought but then had a look of realization "The 24th." Ryan nodded sadly. "What's the 24th?" Morgan asked. 

"It was Linda my wife's birthday." Ryan sated sadly. "Oh, I'm sorry man." Morgan stated sadly. Ryan nodded "She would've been 33, and it's coming up on our what would've been our 12th wedding anniversary so as you can imagine everybody in my family is a little emotionally shredded right now." He explained. Everybody just nodded, not knowing what to say well everyone except Emily.

"Is there anything I can do?" She asked, truly wondering if she could do anything. "I appreciate the thought Emily. But I don't know I just wish there was something that could take Tyler and Emma's mind off of things for awhile." Ryan responded.

Emily thought and then got an idea "What if I looked up some stuff that we could do on some weekend. Get them out of the house." She suggested. Morgan and Reid picked their heads up at that. 

"Emily I don't think I can ask you to do that." Ryan said, while he was appreciative of the thought he didn't want her to do something that was not her job. Emily shook her head "I don't mind, and besides it'll give me something to look forward to. Doing something special with the two little angels." She stated further. 

"Angels. Emily you know there are times where they aren't angels.?" Emily mocked gasp. "Blasphemy from their own father!" She said dramatically and jokingly. "Well in any case they're angels when they're around me at least." Emily said. "Yeah well that's because you spoil them." "In Emma's words I'm their friend, it is my job to spoil them." Ryan scoffed "Yeah and the next thing I know If they ever do something bad, and I have to punish them they'll come running to you." 

"Oh please I doubt those two are ever capable of doing something bad. So how about it?" Emily asked expectantly. "Okay if it's something you really want to do go on." Ryan gave in. Emily smiled "Thanks I'll look at some stuff and figure out what we're gonna do." She then went back to her desk and got to work. 

Morgan and Reid both had smirks on their face "Is it just me or does it seem like these two forgot that we were here?" Morgan asked Reid. "It certainly seems like they were in their own world." Reid responded. Ryan turned to them "What are you two talking about over there." "Nothing." Both Reid and Morgan said simultaneously. Though they both still had their smirks so Ryan didn't exactly believe them.

JJ then came out of her office and noticed the atmosphere. "What'd I miss?" She asked. "Prentiss and Ryan are making weekend plans." Reid answered. JJ raised an eyebrow at the two agents. "I'm just looking for something that Tyler and Emma along with their father," she said nodding to Ryan "would enjoy doing on a weekend." JJ slowly walked towards Prentiss's desk before she asked "And will you be joining them on this weekend?" 

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