Chapter 2- Closing the Case

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                                 TW: Mentions of Abuse, Pedophilia, and Suicide

Ryan gathered the agents in the field office for the briefing, he wanted to make sure every agent heard this so that they knew what to look for and understand how to catch this guy. Not all of them may understand profiling but Ryan did, he had seen profiling work when it came to catching a Serial killer personally. He hoped this one went more smoothly though.

"The Unsub we're looking for is a a white male between his late 20s to early 30s, the way that he commits his crimes tell us that he is a rage directed offender who's source of anger comes from the authority figures of the household, the parents." Hotch began the briefing, "The way that he tortured the parents shows some indication that this unsub may feel as if he'd been wronged by his own parents, and the parents of the household he targets are surrogates for them." Morgan continued.

Emily cleared her throat then, " This unsub also punishes the two oldest kids in the household because he views them in a way as guilt by association. Whatever happened to him he views the oldest kids as equally as guilty. " One of the agents asked. "What about the younger kids why does he leave them alive and generally unharmed?" Hotch took over "That we're not exactly sure of. one theory is that the unsub himself is a third child in a family of six and has a younger sibling like the one in each family most likely sister."

Hotch continued, "But these killings are not his first he's killed four families in different states in five years, which we believe were confident builders." "None of the families killed in the different states showed any of the organizations that these three families here in Baltimore show. The beatings were less brutal with the first family, and the houses were not ransacked until he targeted The smiths in 2004." Morgan added

JJ then took over, "We have evidence that he stalked the families before he invaded the Holmes. This shows that he is patient, he has probably been around the houses before then, he may even have known the families, and his prior crimes show that he may have had a job that required him tot travel so he may be a former trucker, a traveling salesman. anything that would have required him to travel."

"This unsub is on a psychotic break so tread carefully if you come across him, thank you." Hotch concluded. With that the Agents dispersed. Hotch turned to JJ "JJ I want you to put our profile out in the press." She nodded and went to do just that.

Ryan looked at the board, and looked at the pictures of the parents, then put his head down. Emily came up right next to him, "You okay?" She asked. " You know I've seen a lot in my time as an FBI agent but the fact that this guy rips away the life of these people just because of something that happened to him, does he even realizes what he's doing to these kids that he's allowing to live. ", Emily shook her head "I doubt it in his mind, he probably doesn't see that he's killing somebody else's parents." Ryan thought aloud replaying the words of the profile, "Because all he can see when looking at parents are his own. Whatever his parents did to him must have been pretty awful if it sent the unsub into a tailspin like this."

Emily nodded, "It could've been a situation of abuse, Maybe he was abused and his siblings weren't." " You mean what they call the Cinderella phenomenon ". Then a voice behind them spoke, "It's actually not uncommon for a child to be singled out for abuse. Target-child selection has been linked to cases of abuse, one of the most famous cases being Dave Pelzer who was abused by his mother while his brothers were spared." Emily and Ryan both turned and there was Reid who must have just gotten back from Baltimore PD.

Ryan after getting over the fact that he just snuck up on them replied , "Yeah I've read his book." "The other thing about Target-child selection is that research shows that it's the result of a parents anger at someone else being directed onto the child." Ryan thought about it, he had two kids and he couldn't imagine beating the crap out of them just because he was pissed at somebody else.

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