Chapter 20-Aftermath and Casualties

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Continuation of 4x01 "Mayhem" 

Trigger warnings: Mention of Suicide and an on page suicide.

 Ryan didn't know how long he was out for. All he knew was when his eyes fluttered open he had a bit of a headache. When he was able to keep his eyes open he saw that he was in a hospital room. He thought back and then remembered that Hotch fainted and took Ryan down with him. 

"Ryan." He heard someone call and he looked to his left to see Emily sitting in a chair beside his bed. She was wearing her FBI windbreaker and her hair was pulled back. Ryan gave a relieved sigh "I've never been more glad to see you." He said Emily nodded as she grabbed his hand. "Ditto. You scared the crap out of me." She responded. 

"It's not like I expected there to be bomb under Kate's car." Ryan said. He then remembered, "Kate, she was rushed into surgery. How is she?" He asked. Emily shook her head, "I don't know, There hasn't been any news." "What about the bomber? Last I saw Morgan was chasing him?" Ryan asked as he started to get up. 

"Whoa, Whoa, what are you doing?" Emily asked. "The bomber?" Ryan pressed. Emily sighed, "He's dead. Morgan chased him into the subway and electrocuted himself on wires." She explained. Ryan looked at her confused. Suicide....why is it always suicide? Ryan thought in annoyance"What about Hotch?" Emily sighed. "He's fine. he's resting." She informed

Ryan then looked at her "Has there been any other attacks?" He asked. Emily shook her head "None." Ryan hung his head as he continued to get up. "It doesn't make any sense why would they blow up an SUV and stop there." "I don't know. Ryan will you please sit down?" Emily said quite firmly, putting her hands on Ryan's shoulders.

Ryan shook his head, "I can't rest. There are more bombers out there." "yes there are but Ryan! You have a concussion and stitches in your head and almost a ruptured ear drum." Emily informed. "You need to take it easy." She exclaimed as Ryan sat up and looked around. 

"Where are my clothes. I need my clothes." Ryan said as of he didn't hear Emily's exclamation. "Ryan you're clothes are on the way so for the love of god, please take it easy!" Emily practically yelled. Ryan took a moment and then sat back down. 

Ryan then realized something, "I forgot to ask, How's the rest of the team?" Emily nodded, "They're fine." Ryan then wiped his head with his hand and looked to his left hand and noticed his cast was off. "They had to cut it off to check for injuries. Miraculously there were no further injuries to your radius." She explained. 

Ryan laughed, "At least I got it off early I guess." Emily laughed along. "Not entirely the nurse said you didn't have to wear it full time but she said you had to wear this sometimes." She informed. Showing Ryan a cast that looked like you could slip it on and off. 

Ryan shrugged, "Better than the former." Ryan then thought again and shook his head. "Emily we got it wrong. The Profile." Emily nodded. "I know." Emily then sat down on the bed next to Ryan. "I called Kelly." She announced . Ryan got a panicked look. Emily held up her hands "I didn't tell her everything. I just told her not to let Tyler or Emma watch the news." She explained.

Ryan calmed and nodded. "Yeah good idea." Soon after that Ryan's clothes arrived. Ryan tried to get change but found he needed help. He turned to Emily who had her back to him to try and give him privacy. "Emily can you help me?" Emily hesitantly turned around and nodded.

It hurt a little for Ryan to raise his arms, so Emily went behind to undo his hospital gown. Once they got it off Emily grabbed Ryan's shirt. If Ryan noticed Emily looking at his chest for more than a few seconds he didn't say anything. They managed to get his pants on. Neither of them said anything as he put his shoes on.

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