Chapter 9-Angel of Mercy and Truths

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Continuation of 3x15 "A Higher Power"

Trigger Warnings: Talks of Suicide, Pedophilia, and death of children. 

In the morning they got a call saying that another one had happened. Meaning The Unsub was escalating the two week period was gone. The victim was Beth Smoler, another parent who lost a child in the Shadyside fire, her baby was left in the house crying . 

At her house Rossi and Reid were checking the interior of the house while Ryan, Emily, and Morgan were checking out. Ryan looked at the entrance way, "No sign of forced entry, she must have let him in." He stated. 

Morgan looked at him "That's if there was even another person here." he said, Ryan didn't respond or acknowledge what Morgan said. Morgan took notice of that and moved on "All right you got a kid. There's a bad guy in the house what do you do to protect your child?" he asked starting the scenario. 

Ryan spoke "That's easy fight, it's what I would do." Emily nodded "Its a parent intuition to fight for their child." Morgan sighed "Not a single defensive wound on her body." "Well just because there's no defensive wounds doesn't mean she killed herself he could've surprised her knocked her unconscious then strung her up." Ryan retorted, Emily nodded "Makes sense I don't suppose she climbed up there of her own free will." 

"Unless she committed suicide." Morgan said, Ryan bit back a remark. "She's got a baby crying for her in the other room." Prentiss pointed out, Morgan shook his head "She couldn't cope. She snapped. It happens. It happens every day." Ryan scoffed "It doesn't just happen." Morgan had a skeptic look on his face "Ryan would you be saying that if you weren't a parent?" 

 "Morgan." Emily said his name with a warning tone. "Well I am a parent and you know what even if I wasn't my answer would still be the same." Ryan stated then turned away missing the angry look Emily gave Morgan. "I agree with Ryan it doesn't make sense for her to just snap and hang herself and that's coming from someone who isn't a parent." Emily added the last part obviously to argue against Morgan's question. 

 "Look I'm just trying to point out that there's no sign of a struggle or any other evidence of foul play, therefore it's reasonable to think she committed suicide." Morgan said while giving the two of them a soft look. Ryan with looking at the spot where Beth Smoler was hanged said "Do me a favor Morgan don't give me pity eyes I find it very patronizing." 

Morgan got an annoyed look on his face then looked at Prentiss who just shrugged. Wanting to get back on track Prentiss continued "Paul Baleman's house, that's what you'd expect from someone who was deeply depressed, deeply traumatized." Morgan nodded "Yeah, I know. I saw it. Everything past orderly, everything disorderly." 

Ryan then spoke up "The bookshelf, the glass cabinet all had order when their lives had order, had meaning. Everything about Beth's home says she moved on." Morgan still held a skeptical look "Then how did she get up there without a fight?" Prentiss thought then said "Maybe she was already dead." "Dead weight is a lot heavier than alive." Morgan retorted. "But not impossible." Ryan responded 

Emily nodded "She can't have done it voluntarily, she won't be able to guarantee he won't hurt the baby if she does what she's told." Ryan nodded then thought as looked towards the front door, "What if he used a ruse to get inside the house?" He asked

Ryan and Emily looked at each other as they started talking it out, "What's the first thing you usually do when you invite a person into you're home?" Ryan asked her, "You offer them a drink or food." Ryan nodded "So hear me out, she fixes them drinks, he drugs her." Ryan started off 

"Then she's unconscious enough for him to tie the rope around her neck and hang her. That has to be it." Emily finished the thought then got her phone out. She called Garcia and put it on speaker, "Emily, the strange and great, what can I do for you?" Garcia asked, "Hey we're looking for a drug that would temporarily paralyze or subdue someone, not kill them, but give full control."

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