Chapter 38-A Well-Planned Party, Pinochle, and Presents

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It was now Christmas Eve, and Ryan was preparing the house for the party. Josh had arrived early in the morning and had breakfast with him and the kids before helping him with decorations. The kids were wondering where Emily was, but Ryan assured them they would see her later that day, that she was busy getting their presents, which excited them to no end.

In the meantime, Ryan had gotten the place ready for the holiday party. He and Josh hung lantern lights on the ceiling that were in the Christmas colors, red, white, blue, and green.  Lights also hung on the banister of the stairs. The windows were surrounded by multicolored lights. 

It was safe to say the place looked great. "Oh Ryan, it's wonderful." Kelli said. Ryan nodded, "We did good, huh?" He asked a little proud of himself and Josh. "Yup, we did a good job." Josh said, putting his arm around Ryan's shoulder. "Do you think we overdid it?" Ryan asked. 

Josh shook his head, "Don't be silly. For your first year living here in a while, I'd say this level of Christmas decorations is highly appropriate." He said. Ryan could see the logic in that it hadn't exactly been a year since He and the kids moved into the house. Besides the trees and the lights on the Windows and banister, He had gone all out on decorating the outside part of the house.

He felt the need this year to decorate everything. He hadn't felt that way since he was a kid. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that it was their first Christmas inside the house. Not to mention, it gave the kids something to do, and he excited about. Especially with Emily egging them on.

She had been a tremendous help with decorating. It's already been mentioned about her involvement in putting up the tree. However, she also helped out with decorating outside. She brought over a big blowup of Santa that they put up in the front yard.

Emma came in and ran up to her dad. He picked her up. "You like the decorations we put up?" He asked the four year old. "Yes." She said, nodding her head excitingly. "This place really looks like Christmas." Josh commented with glee. Tyler looked around in amazement. Ryan looked at Kelli, "So when's Tom coming? He asked. "He'd said he'd be here around 3:00. He and Robert are driving together." Kelli informed. 

"And I just heard from Paula. She said she's on her way over." Josh informed. Ryan nodded before he realized something and turned towards Josh. Kelli was also giving him a look. "Since when do you and Paula constantly talk." Ryan asked. Josh stilled somewhat, "We're good friends." He said. 

Ryan and Kelli both narrowed their eyes at him. "What, am I not allowed to be friends with my brother's sister-in-law.?" Josh sarcastically asked. "Depends what your intentions are." Ryan said. Josh shook his head, "Intentions? I have no intentions. Besides, even if I did, We're both adults." He said. Ryan and Kelli looked at him with narrowed eyes once again. 

Josh gulped, "Hey Kids. Want to go play in the snow?" He asked the two children. "Yes." They both answered simulations. "Make sure they wear warm coats." Ryan instructed. "Of course." Josh said and took the two children out with him. Ryan then turned to Kelli, "Never would have seen that coming." He said. 

"Well, you know, it probably wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." Kelli said. Ryan laughed, "Yeah, but it hasn't even been a year since Paula and her husband divorced." Kelli nodded, "It's been 10 months. It's close enough. Besides it's Josh, maybe he'd be good for her." She said. 

"Yes, except my four year old daughter is more mature than he is." Ryan responded. Kelli laughed before shaking her head, "Ryan..." She said. Ryan shrugged, "It's true." Kelli shook her head again, "Besides, he's just texting her. I'll start worrying when he looks at Paula the way you look at Emily." Kelli said. 

Ryan looked at her, "Don't start." He said. "I'm gonna go get ready for the party. Will you make sure the kids get ready when Josh brings them back in?" Kelli nodded, "Of course." Ryan nodded back and headed upstairs. 

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