Chapter 47-Crappy men, bad father's, and second appointment.

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Continuation of 4x16, "Pleasure is my business."

Trigger Warnings, Talk of Infidelity, Some sexual references, Also saying of a derogatory word,. and mentions of Panic Attacks, also an onscreen Suicide.

Ryan woke up to a loud knock on the door. He looked at the clock in his room to see it was about 10 after 2. "Christensen, Wake up." A voice from outside the door called. Hotch? He internally asked. Ryan got up from bed and quickly walked to the door and opened it. There was definitely Hotch, already dressed in his suit. "Jeez Hotch, it's after two, do you ever sleep?" He asked. 

"There's another victim, I need you with us at the crime scene." Hotch stated. Ryan sighed and nodded, "Okay, I'll get ready." He said. He got dressed in no time. One of the skills he got from this job was the ability to just get ready at breakneck speed. They drove to an office building in the middle of Dallas. "She didn't kill him in a hotel?" He asked as they got out of the car. Morgan and Rossi were joining them. Emily and JJ we're heading to the station to handle the fallout.

Hotch shook his head, "Apparently not." He said as they began walking in. "It's not all she changed about her M.O." He added. They walked into the entrance and were led to an elevator. There was the victim, Unclothed, and tied to a chair in a way that made it look like something out of a BDSM novel. "Looks like someone was real kinky." Ryan commented.  There were also lipstick spots on his eyes.

"Victim was Joseph Fielding. He was the C.F.O here." Rossi informed. "Poisoned?" Hotch asked. "And staged. She killed him in his office and then rolled him out here to be found." Morgan explained. Ryan hummed, "Think she's sending a message?" He asked. "Maybe. The lipstick's new." Hotch pointed out. "Done postmortem. Reid said female serial killers don't leave a signature." Rossi said and motioned to the victims lipstick covered eyes, "I think she did that just for us." He said. 

"She's already exposed him at his most vulnerable." Morgan said. "Now it's all about attention." Ryan added. "I'm allowed back." A voice said. Ryan and the others looked to see a heavy man in a suit with thining hair walking towards them. They could already guess who he was. Ryan internally sighed, Great a damn corporate lackey. He thought. The man walked up to them, "Which one of you is Aaron Hotchner?" The man asked. 

"I'm Hotchner." Hotch said cautiously. The man held his hand out, "Larry Bartlett. I represent Mr. Fielding in Webster Industries." He introduced himself. When Hotch didn't shake his hand, he dropped it. "Does the term "closed crime scene" mean anything to you?" Ryan asked somewhat sarcastically. Bartlett ignored Ryan, "I spoke to Ellen Daniels. She said you're a very reasonable man." He said. 

They all just looked at him for a second. It didn't take a genius to guess what he was about to do. Hotch was having none of it. He turned to a uniform officer, "Escort him out, please." He instructed. "No, wait. Please." Bartlett said. "The press is outside and they can smell blood." He added. Ryan hummed, "Well then I think the best thing we can do is give them something. Like have Mr. Bartlett here gave a statement as to why his client was found in his underwear and tied in a submissive position." He suggested. Rossi nodded eagerly, "That sounds like a good idea." He agreed. 

As the officer tried to pull Bartlett away, he tried again. "Wait please. Is there anyway we can handle this discreetly?" He asked. Ryan scoffed, "You know you got a lot of nerve." He said. Bartlett then looked at him, "Excuse me?" He asked. "A man is dead and apparently all you care about is the image of it. I don't know what you thought was gonna happen Mr. Bartlett, but we're not gonna cover this up for you." Ryan stated. Morgan nodded, "Exactly. We're not gonna lie for you." He added. 

Bartlett shook his head, "You don't have to lie. Just don't comment." He said. Ryan was about to retort before Hotch spoke up, "Excuse us." He said and started walking to a corner with Rossi with Morgan and Ryan following. Once they were sure they we're out of earshot they started talking, "Please tell me we are not actually considering making a deal with this guy?" Ryan asked. Hotch shook his head, "Of course not. However there is the question of if there is any reason to go public yet?" He asked. 

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