Chapter 39-Arrests and Cooperation

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Based on 4x12, "Soul mates." 

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Abduction, and Murder.

The holidays were now over. After Christmas, new years passed with great speed. Now, the team was on a new case in Sarasota, Florida. The unsub had been going around killing and raping college age women. They had delivered a profile and were now waiting. They had a suspect named William Harris who fit the profile and a witness who placed him at the abduction site of the latest victim, Missy Dewald. So they were watching him closely. 

Another reason why they were fixated on Harris, was that he also had been accused of rape when he lived in Atlanta. He was arrested and charged but the victims didn't want to testify. That along with their profile made them suspicious and were waiting for him to make a mistake.

In the meantime, they were all at the station. Ryan was getting two coffees and noticed Todd there. She had been struggling since the Norman Hill case. Seeing the family dead has really done a number on her. It's times like these where it really makes a person question whether or not they really want to be a part of the BAU.  As Ryan calls it make or break time. 

He walked up next to her, to see that she had a blank look. "Jordan?" Ryan called out. That seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she was in. She turned to him, "Oh, hi Ryan." She said. "You okay?" Ryan asked. Todd nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." She said. 

Ryan didn't exactly believe her, but he didn't want to push her, so he just nodded and began walking away. "Ryan." Todd called him back. Ryan stopped and turned back. Todd hesitated before asking, "How do you deal with it?" Ryan sighed, "You mean the job?" He asked back. Todd nodded. 

Ryan came back into the room and sat in a chair in front of her. "As you've noticed, Jordan, this job can chew you up and spit you out if you let it. The key to not letting it is to have outlets where you can take your mind off of it for even a little bit." Todd again nodded, "That makes sense. What's your outlet?" She asks as she sits down in the seat across from him at the table. 

Ryan thought for a minute, "Spending time with my kids. Whenever I'm not on this job, I make sure to always be at the dinner table or breakfast table." He said. "A good balanced life is always important and finding meaning in this job." He added, 

Todd chuckled, "You make it sound easy." She said. Ryan shook his head, "It's not, especially if you don't like bringing work home with you. Me, I've been successful at that so far, but in the future, who knows." He said. Todd nodded and then smiled a little, "Does a balanced life include someone by your side?" She asked, giving Ryan a knowing look.

Ryan scoffed, "We're talking about you right now. Not me." Todd shrugged, "Who says I'm talking about you?" She asked. "You have that look in your eye." Ryan informed. Todd gave him an innocent look, "What look?" She asked. "The same look Rossi, Morgan, Reid, and Garcia get when they tease Emily and I." Ryan said. 

"Well, look who brought it up." Todd said. Ryan froze and cursed himself, knowing she was correct. "So I'll ask again. Does finding the right partner play a part in finding a good balanced life?" Todd asked. Ryan nodded, "I would say so." He said. "And your partner is already by your side." Todd said. She then gestured to the two coffees in Ryan's hand, "And apparently waiting for her coffee." 

Ryan shook his head, "We're talking about you. We're not talking about me." He said, ignoring what Todd has said. 'Well, technically, we were talking about balance lives, so this fits within range of what we're talking about." Todd said. "Smart ass." Ryan said and got up. 

"But Jordan, seriously, are you okay?" Ryan asked once again. Todd nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay." She said. Ryan nodded and left the room. He went out to the office room where the team was set up. The board was positioned in front of a few desks in the front of the room. Emily was standing in front of the board alone. 

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