Chapter 42-Differences of Opinions

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Continuation of 4x14 "Cold Comfort"

Trigger Warnings: Abduction, Talks of Embalming, exsanguination, and Necrophilia. 

After they all woke up at the hotel and had some breakfast, they were now at the police station getting ready to give the profile. "I talked to all the families, and they confirmed that none of them had double pierced ears at the time of their abduction." JJ said. "So he's definitely changing them." Hotch said, who was staring at the board. 

"Giving them a makeover." Ryan reiterated his point from yesterday from his position standing right next to JJ while looking at a file. Morgan and Rossi came over and sat on a table, "Probably changing them into somebody from his past." Morgan said. "The burial suggests an affection for his victims." He added. "Which points to the conclusion that it's a loved one he's changing them into." Hotch stated. 

"The M.E. found high levels of barbiturate?" JJ asked. "Yeah, the unsub used it to tranquilize them while he embalmed them." Ryan said. "Why do you ask?" Morgan asked. "Just, uh, something the psychic said--that Brooke felt tired, heavy." She explained. "That would comply with someone under sedation." Ryan said, contemplative. He wasn't ready to say that the psychic was genuine, but the fact that he said that was enough to peak Ryan's interest.  

"Why are we talking about the psychic? It's a scam. These guys talk without saying anything, and you're falling for it." Rossi stated. Ryan internally sighed. "Here we go again. "Well, he said that Brooke's alive, so I guess I just want to believe him." JJ snarked back. "Nothing wrong with that JJ." Ryan reassured. 

Ryan then turned to Rossi, "Rossi, we all get it. You don't believe in psychics. But do me a favor. In fact, do us all a favor and don't be an ass about it." He said. Rossi stared daggers at him. "Excuse me?" He asked. "I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough. Don't belittle people for being optimistic or open to psychics." He said. 

Rossi was not happy, "I'm just trying to make sure that we stay on task." He argued. "Maybe so, but the way you're going about it is assery at best. Your tone also doesn't help." Ryan argued back. "And what tone is that?" Rossi asked. "Like you know better than everybody else." Ryan said. "It's the same old crap you tried to pull on those cases you consulted with my field of office with. You may have 40 years more experience than all of us, Rossi, but you don't know everything. It's a waist of your brain to act otherwise." He added. 

Rossi went to go say something, but Hotch intervened. "Okay, obviously, we all have differences of opinions about this." He said before looking at JJ. "But JJ, you know the profile." Hotch said. "A necrophiliac has no use for a live victim." Rossi reminded. "Yes, because we all need reminding of that like we're adolescent children." Ryan snarked. 

"You're just full of arguments today, aren't you?" Rossi sarcastically asked. "Solo para un viejo idiota testarudo como tu" (Only for a stubborn old Jackass like you.) Ryan mumbled in Spanish under his breath. Rossi turned back to him, "What'd you say?" He asked in confusion. "Get a translator." Ryan said. "We ready to give the profile?" He asked. Hotch nodded, and they started walking towards the center of the room. Except for Rossi, who went to make a call. 

JJ went up next to Ryan, "Thanks. You didn't have to do that." She said. "Someone needs to put Rossi in his place sometimes." Ryan said. "Do you think there's a chance that Brooke's alive?" She asked. Ryan sighed and looked at her, "I wouldn't hold my breath, but there's nothing wrong with a little hope, even slim hope." He responded. JJ nodded and went to stand in her place. 

Ryan went and stood with Emily as Hotch began to speak while sitting on a desk. "By now, we know the DNA found on the victims did not match anyone in the system, so we're gonna have to look beyond physical evidence to identify the killer." Hotch explained. 

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