Chapter 6-Late night calls and Curiosity

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This Chapter will be based in 3x14, Damanged. 

Ryan was in his office getting ready to go home. He was excited for this upcoming weekend as it was Tyler's 6th birthday on saturday. He was looking forward to just relaxing and celebrating his little boy. Of course it was also hard because it was his first birthday without Linda but Ryan also knew Linda would want him celebrating their son and live their life so that's what he was gonna do.

However before he could his phone rang, he internally groaned and then went to see who it was to his surprise it was Rossi. He picked up "Hey Rossi what's up." "Have you ever worked a case that involved an axe as the murder weapon." Rossi asked getting straight to the point.

 "Hello to you too and no I must say I have not worked a case where an axe was used as a Murder weapon why?" Ryan responded and asked. Rossi responded on the other line "Don't sorry about it." Then he hung up. 

 That was weird, Ryan thought. He got his stuff and left his office all the while thinking about Rossi's out of the blue question. Having worked with Rossi on quite a few cases he knew that Rossi could get a bit extreme but his voice on that call was the sound of someone plagued by obsession. Ryan was all too familiar with that voice.

When he got home he tried to think of other things but he also couldn't get the question out of his mind. "Daddy?" A voice asked, Ryan turned to look at his oldest son, "Yeah Tyler?" "You asked Emily if she could come to my party right?" Ryan smiled. "Yes son she said and I quote "There's no place I'd rather be on saturday." Tyler let out an excited squeal at that.

 Emma decided to ask "Do you think she'll come for my party." Ryan turned to her with his eyebrow quirked. "You're birthday's not for another three months Emma." " I know but I want to make sure. " Emma responded. 

Ever since the dinner Emily, Tyler, and Emma had gotten closer. Not a day goes by that Emma hasn't talked about her new friend and Ryan had a feeling that it was mutual and Emily in turn adored Emma and Tyler too looked at Emily with complete adoration. Going back to Emma Ryan assured her "I'm sure when that time comes she'll be there." Emma smiled in response

After having dinner with Tyler and Emma and put them to bed he went through the FBI database to look for Any files on murders that happened with an axe which he couldn't find any. 

He thought about calling Emily and asking her about it but looking at the time he decided to save it for tomorrow. He just hoped that Rossi wasn't going down the road of taking whatever case he was working on onto his own shoulders he knew what that was like and wouldn't advise anyone to do it.


Prentiss walked into the bullpen as happy as one could be on a work morning. Ever since she and Ryan had the dinner with the kids they had fallen into a routine where on weekends and weekdays that weren't busy they would have dinner and Emily had even started helping out with bedtime routine. She still gets pestered about it by her co-workers but she hasn't told them anything, she still didn't understand why they were so interested in what she did with Ryan.

Well she did understand somewhat but she didn't allow that thought to come to her mind. Ryan was just a friend and a fellow member of the Bureau not to mention a fresh widow who was married to a close friend of hers. It just wouldn't feel right of she were to go on a date with him but of course she wasn't gonna tell her team or Ryan that. Especially not with This upcoming weekend.

This weekend was one of her favorite little person's birthday and Ryan had made sure to invite her with Emily assuring him she wouldn't miss it for the world. Although for some reason she was also a little nervous Ryan had told her his in laws would be there along with his brother and sister in law she didn't want to feel like she was intruding but Ryan reassured her. 

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