Chapter 41-Psychics, and Beliefs.

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Based on 4x14 "Cold Comfort" With mentions of 4x13 "Bloodline"

Trigger Warnings: Abduction, talks of embalming, exsanguination, and Necrophilia.

A lot had changed over the last few weeks. They had been on a case involving a family of unsubs, when Todd announced that JJ was coming back and she was heading back to counter terrorism. Ryan couldn't say he was surprised. He knew sooner or later, she would decide whether or not this job was for her. Looks like she decided it was not. 

Before she left, Todd came to Ryan and thanked him for everything. Ryan told her to take care of herself and then she was gone. JJ was now back and everybody was glad. Although they all liked Jordan, nobody could replace JJ. Right now though they were all in the coffee area or kitchen, of the BAU listening to Garcia read off a newspaper about astrology. 

"Current influences should turn the day into one with plenty of potential, but avoid the trap of trying too hard." Garcia read off.  She was sitting at the square table, while Kevin was standing behind her. Ryan and Emily were standing near the sink as Emily fixed her coffee and Ryan drank his. Morgan also got his coffee and went over to the table "Know your strengths. Rely on them. Confidence, real or pretend, is your magic ingredient." Garcia listed.

"Confidence. Yes, I like that." Kevin said. "Come on, guys, You don't think there's actually anything to that stuff, do you?" Morgan asked, as he sat on the table. "You'd be surprised." Kevin said, pointing at Morgan with his coffee mug. Emily finished fixing her coffee and turned to them with a less than believing look. "It's gibberish." She stated. 

"Thank you." Morgan said. Ryan shrugged, "I don't know guys, it may be gibberish, but it does sound interesting." Ryan said. He wasn't into astrology himself but he knew people who were, his second girlfriend was actually very much into the zodiac signs, so he knew a fair amount. Though he wasn't going to admit it. 

Emily turned to him in disbelief, "You actually find that interesting?" She asked. "Why not?" Ryan asked. "Maybe because all it is is riddle talk." Morgan said. Garcia looked at them both before saying, "Oh, you are just jealous because you don't have the magic ingredient." Emily held up a spoon in her hand, "I have the magic ingredient. It's called splenda." She said. 

Garcia laughed while Kevin spoke, "All right, skeptic. What's your sign?" He asked. "Uh-oh." Morgan said. "This ought to be good." Ryan said, crossing his arms. "No." Emily refused. "No--is that in April?" Garcia jokingly asked. Emily didn't respond as she sipped her coffee. 

Garcia looked at Ryan, "When's her birthday." She asked. "Don't you dare." Emily ordered. "Sorry Em, but this is too good to pass up." Ryan said before looking at Garcia, "October 12th. She's a Libra." He informed. "Hey." Emily said defensively. "Hey. It's not like I said the year." Ryan responded. She just gave him a dirty look. 

"Libra--I should have known." Garcia said as she looked through the newspaper. "A romantic opportunity may experience a slight hitch thanks to the pesky lunar influence which could have you dripping into a rather chilly mood." She read off. Ryan chuckled a little though disguised it as a cough when Emily turned to him. It was funny because Emily was in fact in a rather chilly mood that morning. 

"If being demonstrative and warm is difficult, then neutralize this temporary cold front with a simple but affectionate gesture." Garcia finished. "I have a simple gesture." Emily said before putting her spoon in her coffee cup. She then unabashedly flipped both Kevin and Garcia off. They laughed it off though. "Looks like someone really is in a chilly mood." Ryan commented. 

Emily tried to give him a stern look yet failed. "Hey Ryan, what's your sign?" Kevin asked. "June 8th. I'm a Gemini." Ryan informed. Kevin and Garcia looked at the newspaper, "Ooo Libra's and Gemini's are very compatible." Garcia said and Ryan shook his head in amusement. "Though I'm not seeing anything in here about these two signs being too stubborn to be with each other." Kevin said. 

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