Chapter 13- Identities and Plans

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Continuation of 3x17 "In Heat."

 Trigger warnings: Mention of Homophobia and Child Abuse.

The Next Morning, they got a call saying they had another victim. Ryan quickly gathered with the others especially Emily and they headed to the scene. When they arrived they met up with Detective Lopez "What do we have?" Hotch asked

"Male in the same age range, and we found Luvet's police badge about half a block from here." Lopez replied. "So the unsub either ditched it or dropped it when he was getting away. Any sign of Luvet's gun?" Ryan said and asked. Either was this crime scene could be a sigh that the unsub was devolving. The way that the Unsub killed this victim, there's only one word to describe it. Careless.

"No. He may be holding on to that." Lopez muttered. "Why would he kill out in the open like this?" Reid asked. "Good question I mean this whole Crime scene it's totally different from the first three it's as if he's totally lost interest in even trying to hide the body." Ryan replied. "Which could indicate that he's losing control emotionally. He could be devolving." Hotch suggested.

"Moving the body out in plain sight? it's off pattern." Emily said. "He was interrupted." Lopez stated. That caught all their attention. "Who interrupted?" Rossi asked. "Bring him over." They brought over a man in an employee uniform, Ryan guessed he was from the bar. "Bus boy, from the bar." She explained and returned her attention back to the man. 

"Mi hijo, these are the FBI people that I told you about, so just tell them everything you saw." Lopez instructed the bus boy. "Alright, well, I came out here on my break to have a smoke, and that guy was on the ground, and his friend said-" "His friend?" Rossi cut him off. The Bus boy nodded "Yeah, his friend said he had been mugged." "You spoke to this guy?" Ryan asked. Ryan couldn't believe this he actually spoke to this unsub. 

"No, sir, I tried. But he did say that he was a cop so he took off and chased after those guys." The bus boy explained. "Could you give a description of this cop to a sketch artist?" Morgan asked. "No, I can't. I mean, he was a white guy, but it was pretty dark out here, and he basically kept running away from me the whole time." He replied. JJ then took him to get his information. 

Detective Lopez then turned to the rest of the team "So, this guy is impersonating Luvet?" Lopez asked "Could just be a ruse he used to get away." Morgan replied. "But if he is impersonating his victims, why?" Emily asked. It was a good question why?

"Transference." Spencer said. "Whatever he sees in his victims, he wants for himself. He hates who he is. He's targeting tourists because he sees them as living a kind of lie, too." Hotch replied. "Could be suffering from cluster "B"." Emily added. Ryan nodded "Could explain how this unsub easily takes over the identities of his victims after killing them." he assumed.

"Cluster "B"?" Lopez asked. "A cluster of personality disorders. It's also called the erratic, dramatic, emotional cluster. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that differentiated itself markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture. It manifests itself in-" Spencer started to think but was cut off by Morgan. Ryan liked him but he really needed to work on his rambling, or at least learn how to shorten his explanations. 

 "This guy is a sick dude." Morgan simplified. Lopez nodded while looking at Reid confused. "But something triggers his constant need to escape. It could be drugs, sex, something that makes him feel more vulnerable." Ryan added. "And he can't allow himself the vulnerability." Hotch said. 

 "Escaping into the fantasy protects him from ever having to look at himself." Rossi said. "You know, if the unsub lives in their skin, odds are he's living in their hotel rooms." The team looked at each other. It made sense. Hotch turned to one of the officers, "Any I.D. on the body?" The officer shook her head "No wallet, nothing. It might have dropped. They're searching now." She informed.

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