Chapter 19-Chaos and Injuries

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Based on 4x01 "Mayhem."

Ryan didn't know how long he layed there before he came too. Hell he wasn't even sure what exactly happened. All he was sure of was he was hearing car alarms blaring real loudly and a ringing in his ears. 

What the hell just happened. Ryan thought. He gently moved his head to see where he was. Middle of New York City. He then looked to the other side and saw Hotch standing there just staring at the SUV on fire. Ryan sat up slowly, setting his hand on the ground while holding the one in the cast to his side. He took a glance at it and amazingly it didn't look heavily scratched. 

However the moment he stood up, he instantly felt dizzy. In that time he remembered what happened. The SUV they were going to get into to talk to the Mayor had blown up.  Ryan looked around again and saw Hotch but he didn't see Agent Kate Joyner. You could say his fear had gone through the roof. 

As he got back on his feet, his balance almost gave out again. Ryan felt something wet running down his face. He put his hand to it and looked at his hand to see it was blood. He also felt blood on his neck, most likely from his ears. Ryan didn't even see or feel the glass shards that were in his arm. 

When he got his balance under control, Ryan did another look around. Ryan moved towards where he saw Hotch. Amazingly, he didn't feel any pain right now, just pressure. Though Ryan could guess pain would come later. "Hotch." He called out. Ryan could barely hear his own voice over the ringing in his ears. He knew that was a bad sign. Hotch turned to look at him, "Ryan." He called back. Ryan got closer to Hotch. 

"I-I can't find Kate." Hotch let out. Ryan took a look at him and could see he was as much out of it as Ryan was. Sill Ryan heard the part about Kate being missing and he looked around. "Kate!" Ryan yelled. His fight or flight instincts kicked in, and he forgot about his own injuries and focused on finding Kate.

He and Hotch went around the burning car. When they got close Hotch put his coat around his arm so he could take a closer look. "Kate." Hotch called out. From looking in the car, Ryan deduced that she wasn't in there. "I told some kid to call 911." Hotch informed

As they looked around the car, Ryan noticed something a little farther off from the car. Ryan pointed "Hotch." He said. Hotch turned and they both ran to the spot. It was Kate, she was severely wounded and the shock from the blast must have knocked her shoes off since she was missing them.

 "My purse! I can't find my purse." Kate said. She was delirious and bleeding everywhere. "Shh. Don't move." Hotch told her as he crouched down to her along with Ryan. "Aaron, my purse." She urged. Ryan looked around and he couldn't find a purse. " Hotch, I'm not seeing a purse anywhere. " Ryan said. Hotch shook his head, "I don't think she had one." He responded.

Kate turned her head from side to side. "I must have dropped it." Kate said as she squirmed, "No Kate don't move you're only hurting yourself." Ryan said. We need to get her out of here. Ryan thought. At that moment the ringing in Ryan's ear became louder. He looked over to Hotch moving his head, leading Ryan to guess that his was too. 

Kate looked around her and back to Hotch. She just have realized where she was because she asked Hotch next, "Aaron? What happened to you?" Then she turned to Ryan, "Ryan, your forehead is bleeding and you're ears look worse for wear. What happened?" Hotch shook his head, "I don't know. I don't know. A bomb. An IED. I think it was an IED." He stammered out.

 This can't be happening. Ryan thought. This had to be a nightmare or something. Ryan felt like he was in a dream or something and then any moment he would wake up. But this was no dream this was actually happening. He, Hotch, and Kate had just been in a car bombing. And Kate looked like she had the worst injuries. 

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