Chapter 26-Escape, Cover up, and Revelations

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Trigger Warnings: Talks of being burned alive, Spousal abuse, child abuse, and one instance and one mention of Suicide.

It was now the next morning and Ryan and Emily met up with the rest of the team in the lobby. JJ saw them coming and gave a smirk on her face, "Have a nice night?" She asked. "Yes it was very lovely." Emily said. She didn't give any context and you could tell it frustrated JJ and Morgan to no end. 

Before anybody could inquire further, Hotch and Rossi came down to the lobby with bad news. "There was another fire. At the home of Sophie Grayson." Everybody groaned. They started to walk out as Morgan asked, "What about the police stationed outside her house?" 

"They were out there all night, they said they didn't see anything." Hotch said dismally. "Hotch, how is that even possible?" Ryan asked. Hotch shook his head in frustration and didn't answer as they got into their cars to go to the latest crime scene. 

The drive over was silent, when they arrived they saw that the fire was still trying to be contained. The house was a small one, looked like it could fit about 3 people in it. The roof had caved in, the windows were all blown out. Also the front door was  They walked over to Detective Lee who was already on the scene. "Detective Lee!" Hotch called out. Lee turned to look at them with a somber look on his face. 

"What the hell happened?" Rossi asked once they were right next to him. "Around Midnight, the uniforms reported no suspicious activities in the area. Then 20 minutes later, they reported seeing some type of light coming from inside the house. They went to go check on her but before they reached the front porch a backdraft blew out from the house." Lee explained. 

Hotch sighed, "You're officers were stationed out here all night?" Lee nodded, "Yes." "Then how did the unsub get past them?" Hotch asked. Lee shook his head, "I don't know." Hotch didn't ask anymore questions as he looked at the still inflamed house. 

Ryan turned to Lee. "What about Sophie Grayson?" He asked. "She's still in there." Lee informed sadly. Nobody said anything else. This was another former member of fire station 6 who had been targeted by this unsub. 

It took them an extra hour to put the fire out. Then after another 20 minutes the team was finally allowed to go in. Though they all had to wear protective gear, they all changed into them while JJ decided it was probably best that she wait outside. 

They went inside the house to see that just like Richardson's theater, the house was almost totally burnt. Hardly any spot was untouched by the fire. "The whole house...It's amazing this place is still standing." Ryan stated through the mask on his face. Morgan nodded, "I know. Whoever torch this did it right." He responded. 

"It's almost like the aftermath of an inferno from an oven." Emily said. Fire Investigator Newman arrived and apparently hearing Emily's comment, said "Believe me, this is nothing compared to some of the crap I see daily." Emily looked at her then looked at Ryan who shrugged.

Morgan looked to her, "Do you think it took 30 seconds for the fire to gain steam?" He asked. Newman nodded, "Oh yeah, no doubt." She responded. "Also with how small this place is, it explains how there's more damage. I will say this, it's a miracle this place is still standing." Newman added before walking to another part of the burnt out house.

 Hotch and Rossi didn't say anything before they went into another room. Reid and the others followed them, inside the room was who they assumed to be Sophie Grayson on the bed. There were restraints on her arms tied to what Ryan guessed was the head post. 

"The unsub tied her to the bed." Reid said. He looked at the bed and pointed all around, "If anything we'll probably find lighter fluid or kerosene on the bed and the floor." He said further. "It's a much smaller place than the theater. Probably took him less time than over there." Morgan pointed out. 

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