Chapter 40-Proven Guilty

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Continuation of 4x12 "Soul mates."

Trigger Warnings: Talk of abduction, Sexual Assault, including a retelling of one. 

They headed back to the police station from the crime scene. As they walked into the police station, Linden mumbled, "We could have saved her." Ryan had to keep himself from sighing. Please tell me he's not about to lay blame on us again? Ryan internally asked. "There were not signs of his having a partner until now." Hotch responded, as they walked towards the board where Reid and Morgan were at. "I guess that's why he's so cocky." Linden said. 

"It's not just that, his arrogance fits the profile of a dominant personality." Ryan stated. "His partner is the submissive one who's willing to kill for him." He added. "The partner is a biter. We found marks on Missy Dewald." Emily informed Morgan and Reid. 

Reid and Morgan looked surprised, "They never did that before." Morgan said. "Well, with William out of the picture, he's changed his behavior." Hotch said. "Maybe the partner went back to something that's comfortable, something he's done before." Rossi suggested. "I've got Garcia checking dental records against other cases." Hotch informed. 

Rossi nodded and Morgan handed him a paper. Rossi and Morgan went back to interrogate Harris. Ryan sighed and turned back to the others, "You know, this is not how I thought this case would go." He said. "Neither did I." Emily said. 

Ryan went and got a coffee. Emily came up next to him and noticed the look on his face. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asked. Ryan looked at her and shook her head. "It's cases like this that make me afraid." He said. Emily knew who he was talking about. "Emma?" She asked. 

"Not just Emma. Tyler also." Ryan said. "There are a lot of sickos out there and I can't help but sometimes fear for them." He added. "Well, Tyler and Emma have an amazing dad, who will do everything they can to prepare them. Besides they already know the basic tenants of things to look out for." Emily said. 

Ryan nodded, "Yeah. Never get into a car with a stranger." He said out of randomness. "I also made sure to tell Emma to look out for any type of adult who tries to get too close to her." Emily said. Ryan scoffed, "Wish I had thought of that." He said. Emily gave him a look, "Ryan, If anything, Emma and Tyler are gonna be the most prepared kids." She said trying to reassure him. 

Ryan nodded, "With your help also." He said. They were quiet for a few minutes as they both made their coffee. "What do you think the chances of us finding Harris's partner is before he target's another girl?" Emily asked. Ryan shrugged, "Well I wouldn't bet on it to be honest." He said.

 "Either way, with or without Harris his partner is as dangerous as he is." Ryan added. Emily nodded in agreement. At that point Hotch came to find them, "Garcia's gotten back to us." He said and they followed him back to the board.

 They went and stood with Reid at the board near the phone. "Go ahead, Garcia." Hotch instructed. "Okay, so it turns out there's a lot of sick pups in central Florida. Today's dental records do not match William Harris, but do match a reported rape in manatee county earlier this year." Garcia informed. 

"That's great. You got a match." Emily said in near excitement. "Yeah, the teeth belong to the same person, but they've never been arrested, so I can't cross reference." Garcia said. Ryan sighed, "So much for that." He commented before sitting on the desk. "What about the victim?" Hotch asked. 

"Connie Mayers. She still lives in the area." Garcia informed. Hotch looked towards Ryan and Prentiss, "Prentiss, Christensen, let's go." Hotch instructed. They nodded and followed him out to the car. They got an address from Garcia for a flower shop Mayers worked at and headed there. 

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