Chapter 50-Crooked cops, Caught bombers, and Free people.

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of coercion, Torture,and suicide. 

It was now late in the evening, and everybody was still working. Garcia was still searching the laptop that Turner gave them. Morgan was looking at a file, Reid was looking at the board, and Ryan came in with two coffees and handed one to Emily as she was also looking at a file, "Thanks." She said. Ryan nodded, "You're welcome." He then looked at Garcia, "How's it going there?" He asked, referring to the computer search. 

Garcia shook her head, "I have been scouring this whole thing, and I found the letter Turned said about the couple sending them, but I can't seem to find... wait." She said and then typed some more on the computer. Garcia's face then lit up, "And I found it. The video." She said. "Let me get it on the screen." Morgan went to the doorway of the conference room, "Hotch, Rossi." He called. Hotch and Rossi each came out of their offices and came into the conference room. 

Garcia then managed to get the video onto the wide screen and hit play, and they all watched it. It looked like the camera was hidden on the dashboard of the car. Two individuals stood on one side of a parking garage with the car's taillights on which obscured their faces. "You got the money?" They heard the man ask. 

Turner in the video slid a brief case towards them, "There it is. $100,000 all of it." He said. The woman in the video and they could tell it was a woman by the long hair lengths in the shadow, She walked forward and picked up the briefcase. "I'll check it." She stated with finality. She then went and looked to have put it on the hood of the car, they heard the opening of the brief case. And after a minute or two, she turned back to Turner. 

 "$100,000. You held up your end of the bargain and we'll hold up ours." She said. "May I ask why you're doing this? As far as I can tell, you're not doing this because you share our beliefs?" Turner asked. "You ever heard the saying good boys don't ask questions?" The woman said before turning to her companion . "Let's go." The man didn't say anything but it looks like he nods and got into the passengers side of the car while the woman got in the driver's side.

Soon after that the video ended. They all shared looks, "So Turner was really telling the truth when he said that he didn't see their faces." Morgan said. Ryan nodded, "Did you all notice the way that the woman took charge of the situation in a way?" He asked. They all nodded, "All the while, the man hardly said a word, except to ask if Turner had the money. Chances are she's the dominant partner." Emily stated. 

Rhonda who had been rather silent recently spoke up, "Dominant partner?" She asked. "In a killing team like this one, there's the dominant partner and the submissive partner. The dominant partner usually does most, if not all, the killings." Reid explained. "While the submissive one follows the dominant one's orders and supplies them with new victims." Rossi added. 

"So one's more vicious than the other?" Rhonda asked. Hotch nodded, "Essentially." He confirmed. "If these people have been active since the 1970s then they'd have to be at least in their 50s or 60s." JJ said. Reid nodded, "These people may not be involved in the anti-government militia themselves but they certainly know they're way around it. It's possible that they used to be apart of it." He suggested. 

"The 70s, that was when the weather underground was active." Rossi said. "Good chance that they we're apart of it." Morgan said. Rhonda sighed, "So how close does this put us to proving my client's innocence?" She asked. "We still need to find out who they are and arrest them." Morgan said. "Morgan and I are also looking at a lead for where Alexander and Tumbleton said they we're at when the bombing took place." Ryan informed. 

"Speaking of which, baby girl you got anything on that?" Morgan asked Garcia. Garcia shook her head, "I found a Gerald Schwartz but he was reported missing in 1994, apparently he went through an ugly divorce and his ex-wife took him for everything he had." She informed. "Well that could explain how he became homeless." Ryan suggested. 

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