Chapter 11-Sympathy and peaceful end

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Continuation of 3x16 "Elephant's Memory."

Trigger Warnings: Talks of Bullying and Child Abuse. 

Ryan and Morgan were in Owen's Savage's room trying to get into his computer. They had also received word that the body in the house wasn't Jordan but instead it was a variety of meats meaning she was alive with that new info Morgan and Ryan doubled their efforts to find something. They tried multiple passwords but still were not getting into his computer. "Owen would probably not leave his password lying about." Ryan commented as he looked through some papers, just looking for something that could point to his state of mind. 

"It would be too easy if he did, even if his dad as Reid said didn't care enough to snoop Owen probably wouldn't take any chances." Morgan said, Ryan sighed "What was up with that earlier, I mean has he ever acted like that before?" Ryan asked, Morgan sighed and shook his head "I don't know what his deal was." Morgan hesistated before continuing "Reid has a complicated relationship with his own father and I guess this case is reminding him a little bit of that." Ryan thought about that and understood. 

"Yeah well family relations can be complicated or non existent as is." Ryan stated sullenly, Morgan looked at him with a confused "You sound like you have experience in that department." Ryan didn't look at him "I don't want to talk about it." he said. Morgan didn't push any further. 

Ryan looked through some Journals he found under Owen's bed. "I got some writing here. Owen's." The more Ryan read the more he saw that Reid was correct. Apparently Owen wrote about how he had trouble at school learning at the same rate as other students. It reminded Ryan of some of the kids that he would tutor when he was in school, and what made it worse is that apparently Owen's father did not understand and apparently did not take the time too even try either. 

Morgan looked at Ryan reading the journals "Anything good?" Ryan nodded "Yeah Owen just like Jordan had some learning disability. Even though I'm reading his handwriting's barely legible." he explained. Morgan gave him a questioning look "If his handwriting isn't eligible how are you reading it?" Ryan shrugged "When you tutor kids like Owen you learn how to tell what they're writing well sometimes but when you do it for a long period it's like learning to read between the lines." Morgan looked at him impressed before asking "What does he talk about?" 

"Mostly about his difficulties in school, other kids, can't imagine what it must be like to live in this town and be special ed." Ryan stated before looking up at Morgan "Did you hear how Officer Lett's wife described him?" Morgan nodded "I think everybody did." ""Freak son" I wonder if it was her child she would use those words to describe someone with Learning disabilities." Ryan said with displeasure evident in his voice. 

"Ryan I'm not sure she was referring to that, okay she was upset she probably just said out of anger." Morgan stated while Ryan scoffed "Yeah and I'm sure that medical professionals didn't mean offense when they use to describe anybody with an intellectual disability as a, you know what I'm not even gonna repeat the word."

 Morgan gave Ryan a soft look "You have pretty strong feelings about this." Ryan took note of the look then sat down on the bed "Sometimes all it takes in order for these kids to succeed is that someone stands up and tells them that they can do it and that they will be there to help along the way." Ryan paused looking back at the journal before looking at Morgan again and holding up the Journal, "According to this Owen didn't have that, nobody took him under his wing or at least just told him he could do it." Ryan finished

Morgan nodded and asked "He say anything about his father in there?" Ryan nodded "Oh yeah. Reid was right, Lou Savage wasn't winning any father of the year awards. Owen writes about how his father repeatedly called him stupid and other types of emotional abuse." Ryan stated and shook his head "The man didn't even try and understand his son, just wrote him off as stupid." Ryan finished 

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